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Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 2 February 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), S Nicholson, S Mathison, J Bird, E McGee, J Macklin, Mrs Hobson, R Southwell, I Fernie, D Gillyon-Powell, M Gillyon-Powell.


Apologies: none


Mr Harrison: Mr John Harrison who had been a longstanding parish councillor until May 2010 recently passed away. Mr Harrison was the father of Mrs Ablett (chair). Mrs Ablett thanked the parish council for their condolences and some of the councillors had attended the funeral. S Nicholson proposed a 1 minute silence in memory of Mr Harrison.


Minutes of the last meeting: S Mathison proposed, I Fernie seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


Inspector Coulthard, Humberside Police: The clerk had invited Inspector Coulthard to the meeting to explain what changes were taking place within Humberside police force.              S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of the chair closing the meeting to allow Inspector Coulthard to speak. The meeting closed at 7.20pm. Inspector Coulthard told the councillors that he is the Inspector for Beverley Rural. This is approximately half of the East Riding under him. He advised that changes took place in April 2015 due to cuts. £15 million had to come off the budget and this would be saved through staffing cuts and buildings being sold. However this hasn’t worked. Further changes are to take place on 22 February 2016. This will include leaving the community officers and Inspector Coulthard to get on with their own work. Bridlington and Goole police will also cover Beverley and the East Riding. 40 more officer’s posts are to be created for Haltemprice, Beverley and Beverley Rural. Some of these will be PCSOs becoming PCs. These positions will not be filled by recruiting more PCSOs.  Beverley will remain a 24 hour manned station. Criminal damage and anti-social behaviour will still be dealt with by the community police. It will provide a better level of service for the residents. Leven will still be covered by PCSO Sarah Freer on a full-time basis and PCSO Mike Fowler on a part-time basis.  Inspector Coulthard is to resurrect the Community partnership groups which could go under a different name possibly CAT (community action teams). Positive feedback has been received from other parish councils and organisations. Problems in the village were discussed and this included parking around the school, burglaries of non-dwellings, vehicle theft and speeding.  Community road watch was discussed whereby residents and parish councillors are trained to use speed radar guns. Some of the councillors however disagreed with this and said that it could alienate the residents against the councillors. We would have to let

Inspector Coulthard know if we wanted to carry on with the community road watch.

D Gillyon-Powell commented that it was good to be able to speak to Inspector Coulthard as we had not had the police to a meeting for some months now. Mrs Ablett also commented that it was good to find out about the changes. It was suggested that the parish council ask Inspector Coulthard to come to another meeting in 6 months’ time after the changes have taken place and Inspector Coulthard was happy to do so. E McGee thanked Inspector Coulthard for attending the meeting. The meeting re-opened at 7.50pm.



Matters arising:


Winter gritting: The clerk had met with East Riding Group to discuss the areas that would be required to be gritted if necessary. However when the matter was discussed the company provide a preventative gritting service whereas the parish council would require the roads to be gritted only when the snow was forecast.


Leven allotments association: The lease has now been signed between the allotments association and ERYC. Leven parish council has signed a deed of guarantee so that if the allotment association no longer want the allotments for any reason they would revert back to the parish council. The parish council are still awaiting a letter from ERYC exonerating the parish council from any financial repercussions between the allotments association and ERYC.




January 2016                           Clerk & Councils Direct        Newsletter

January 6                                  Post Office                             Leven post office

January 8                                  ERYC                                       No through road signs

January 8                                  B & NHIDB                             Notices

January 12                                Humberside Police              Community Partnership meetings

January 13                                ERNLLCA                                HM Queen 90th Birthday

January 18                                ERNLLCA                               Buckingham Palace garden party

January 23                                Leven scouts                        Letter of thanks

January 26                                Hull Aero Club                     25th anniversary

January 27                                ERNLLCA                               Advanced Chairmanship course

January 27                                ERYC                                      Green posts – High Stile

February 1                                ERYC                                      Planters

February 1                                B&NHIDB                              Change of contact details







Planning applications:


15/03810/PLF – HMTJ Trading LTD -  proposed replacement windows and demolition of single storey extension to the side. Render over existing painted brickwork at Barleygate House, 7 South Street, Leven   No objections however it would appear that some of the work has already been completed before the application has been approved and the upstairs window at the rear of the property which has already been changed does not correspond with the drawings.


Planning decisions:


15/03597/PLF – Mr & Mrs M & J Hill – erection of single storey extension to rear, 1.2m high boundary wall to front, detached garage following demolition of existing and construction of dormer windows to front at 27 West Street, Leven   Approved


Treasurer’s report:


S L Woolfitt                                 £277.89                   February salary and expenses

A E Dawson                                 £142.53                   February salary

ERYC                                             £136.80                   Salt bin fill ups

H.A.R.T                                         £400.00                   Donation


S Nicholson proposed, K Macklin seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made. The payment to ERYC for the salt bin fill ups will be met from grant monies provided by ERYC for winter maintenance.


Financial matters:


A request from H.A.R.T had been received asking for a donation to help with the running of the minibus and medibus. The H.A.R.T team provide an invaluable service to the residents of Leven and surrounding villages. M Gillyon-Powell proposed, R Southwell seconded and all were in favour of giving a grant of £400.


Leven in bloom: M Gillyon-Powell reported that no more volunteers had come forward to help with Leven in bloom. Planters are going to be moved to the approach to the village at Whitecross roundabout.






Representatives’ reports:


Parish paths: K Macklin reported that John Allison who has carried out the grass cutting in the village for many years has now retired. K Macklin to obtain 3 quotes for the public rights of way grass cutting in the village for this year. The clerk is to write to Mr Allison thanking him for carrying out the work for the parish council.


Family festival: E McGee reported that plans are starting to take place getting things arranged for this year’s festival. Some changes are being made to how the festival was organised last year.


Youth club: R Southwell reported that the youth club is now on a Friday evening. Approximately 23 attend.


Leven & Brandesburton Horticultural show: D Gillyon-Powell reported that the show will be taking place as usual on 20 August 2016.


Leven cubs: I Fernie reported that the cubs had a fun time at a sleepover at The Deep.


General purpose matters:


Cycle path – Leven to Beverley: It was reported that there are loose paving stones near to the entrance to Heron Lakes. The clerk is to contact highways, ERYC.


Date of next meeting: 1 March 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm












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