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Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs P Ablett (chair), R Southwell, J Bird, K Macklin, S Nicholson, S Mathison,

D Gillyon-Powell, M Gillyon-Powell, M Hilton, Cllr Pollard. Residents: Richard Thompson,

Bridget Ellerington-Jennings, Sue Boyd, Sheila Dyson


Apologies: none


Approval of the minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 3 May 2016 were approved,                M Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Mathison seconded and al were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


Chairman’s report:


LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, fellow Councillors as Chairman of the Parish Council it my privilege to present the annual report for the Leven Parish Council 2016/17. In doing so I will highlight some of the matters that we have dealt with over the last 12 months.


As a PC, it has been our aim over the last few years to develop stronger ties with the community by having representatives on various organisations within the village, Sports Hall, Allotment Association, Family Festival, In Bloom, school, youth groups etc. We greatly value all the work that these groups undertake within our community with a view to making Leven a more vibrant and inclusive place to live.

We have had two resignations over this period for personal reasons. Dianne Hobson and Ed McGee. I would like to record a special thank you to Dianne for her contributions over the years and for all her liaison work with the school as our representative. Also, to Ed for his contributions to the PC and in the past for being our representative on the allotments. In their place, we have welcomed two new members Ray Gibson and Malcolm Hilton both of whom bring different skills to the meetings and I hope that they will find being on the PC both enjoyable and rewarding.


Over the last year, we have seen the adoption of the new ERYC Local plan outlining development up to 2024 and with it the expectation that as a village we must absorb a minimum number of new houses.

Graham Stuart our MP held his first ever open surgery in the village this year and it was well attended. Many issues were discussed.

It has been a challenging twelve months in many respects, but I would hope that the minutes of our monthly meetings speak for themselves as to the many matters that we have dealt with. Parish Council business does not stop once the monthly meeting is over. There is numerous day to day issues to be dealt with including highways, street scene, drainage, and vandalism. Sadly, we have experienced a resurgence of graffiti and vandalism around the village causing damage to property. These are criminal acts. Youngsters have been climbing onto the Sports Hall, school, and the youth club roofs, as well as taking chances in front of vehicles using the roads. It is understood that the culprits are local, and the police are now involved. It is a serious concern that they might fall from a height or be hit by a vehicle. Any information to Inspector Coulthard please, it must stop now before a serious incident occurs.

We are one of a few PC's in the East Riding to participate in the Paths Partnership Scheme. With this funding, we have been able to maintain the bridleways and public footpaths to a good standard and on a regular basis. Sadly, the scheme will cease after the 2017/18 financial year.


CHRISTMAS TREE light switch on — Again there was a good attendance for this celebration and it seems to be going from strength to strength now that we have settled on a day. Thank you to the Scouts for providing refreshments and to everyone who helped to make it a special occasion. The feedback from residents has been tremendous.


BULB PLANTING — eight sacks of daffodil bulbs and two of crocus have been planted in and around the village and I am sure everyone will agree what a wonder show of colour they have provided, particularly in The Orchards. The Jubilee Garden too is looking lovelier year on year as it matures.

Thank you to Gary Lee for maintaining the grass at the Jubilee Garden upon our behalf. To our handy man, Allan for all the work he carries out at the garden and around the village gathering up litter, bottles, leaves and much more besides. They both take a special pride in the appearance of the village which is also their home.

Being on the PC has given me the opportunity to attend specialist training courses with ERNLLCA on Chairmanship, disciplinary and grievance procedures etc. Legislation is changing all the time and it is important that we keep up to date with them.

Our Ward Councillors. A special thank you to Cllr. Pollard for attending our meetings whenever possible and for keeping us up to date with ERYC matters.


Sally - Our parish clerk - we are fortunate that she is so committed to the community within which she lives and often goes beyond her contracted hours to make sure that the job is not only done but that it is done correctly. Thank you for all you do.


As you can imagine it is not possible to mention everything that has happened over the last twelve months. We endeavour as a PC to work within the Code of Conduct, act in a professional manner and putting aside our personal views to work for the benefit of the community. We strive to be open, efficient, progressive, and inclusive, yet we also embrace the challenges that are to come.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be your Chairman and to represent Leven.                        Pat Ablett — Chairman.


ERYC matters: Councillor Pollard thanked the chair for her kind words and for making her feel so welcome at the meetings. Councillor Pollard commented that there were major issues to face this year which could be challenging.


Any other business: Mrs. Ellerington – Jennings commented on the problems that residents were having with internet access.


The meeting closed at 7.30pm



Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.




Present: Mrs P Ablett (chair), R Southwell, J Bird, K Macklin, S Nicholson, S Mathison,


D Gillyon-Powell, M Gillyon-Powell, M Hilton, Cllr Pollard. Residents: Richard Thompson,


Bridget Ellerington-Jennings, Sue Boyd, Sheila Dyson




Apologies: none




Approval of the minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 3 May 2016 were approved,                M Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Mathison seconded and al were in favour of them being signed as a true record.




Chairman’s report:




LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, fellow Councillors as Chairman of the Parish Council it my privilege to present the annual report for the Leven Parish Council 2016/17. In doing so I will highlight some of the matters that we have dealt with over the last 12 months.




As a PC, it has been our aim over the last few years to develop stronger ties with the community by having representatives on various organisations within the village, Sports Hall, Allotment Association, Family Festival, In Bloom, school, youth groups etc. We greatly value all the work that these groups undertake within our community with a view to making Leven a more vibrant and inclusive place to live.


We have had two resignations over this period for personal reasons. Dianne Hobson and Ed McGee. I would like to record a special thank you to Dianne for her contributions over the years and for all her liaison work with the school as our representative. Also, to Ed for his contributions to the PC and in the past for being our representative on the allotments. In their place, we have welcomed two new members Ray Gibson and Malcolm Hilton both of whom bring different skills to the meetings and I hope that they will find being on the PC both enjoyable and rewarding.




Over the last year, we have seen the adoption of the new ERYC Local plan outlining development up to 2024 and with it the expectation that as a village we must absorb a minimum number of new houses.


Graham Stuart our MP held his first ever open surgery in the village this year and it was well attended. Many issues were discussed.


It has been a challenging twelve months in many respects, but I would hope that the minutes of our monthly meetings speak for themselves as to the many matters that we have dealt with. Parish Council business does not stop once the monthly meeting is over. There is numerous day to day issues to be dealt with including highways, street scene, drainage, and vandalism. Sadly, we have experienced a resurgence of graffiti and vandalism around the village causing damage to property. These are criminal acts. Youngsters have been climbing onto the Sports Hall, school, and the youth club roofs, as well as taking chances in front of vehicles using the roads. It is understood that the culprits are local, and the police are now involved. It is a serious concern that they might fall from a height or be hit by a vehicle. Any information to Inspector Coulthard please, it must stop now before a serious incident occurs.


We are one of a few PC's in the East Riding to participate in the Paths Partnership Scheme. With this funding, we have been able to maintain the bridleways and public footpaths to a good standard and on a regular basis. Sadly, the scheme will cease after the 2017/18 financial year.




CHRISTMAS TREE light switch on — Again there was a good attendance for this celebration and it seems to be going from strength to strength now that we have settled on a day. Thank you to the Scouts for providing refreshments and to everyone who helped to make it a special occasion. The feedback from residents has been tremendous.




BULB PLANTING — eight sacks of daffodil bulbs and two of crocus have been planted in and around the village and I am sure everyone will agree what a wonder show of colour they have provided, particularly in The Orchards. The Jubilee Garden too is looking lovelier year on year as it matures.


Thank you to Gary Lee for maintaining the grass at the Jubilee Garden upon our behalf. To our handy man, Allan for all the work he carries out at the garden and around the village gathering up litter, bottles, leaves and much more besides. They both take a special pride in the appearance of the village which is also their home.


Being on the PC has given me the opportunity to attend specialist training courses with ERNLLCA on Chairmanship, disciplinary and grievance procedures etc. Legislation is changing all the time and it is important that we keep up to date with them.


Our Ward Councillors. A special thank you to Cllr. Pollard for attending our meetings whenever possible and for keeping us up to date with ERYC matters.




Sally - Our parish clerk - we are fortunate that she is so committed to the community within which she lives and often goes beyond her contracted hours to make sure that the job is not only done but that it is done correctly. Thank you for all you do.




As you can imagine it is not possible to mention everything that has happened over the last twelve months. We endeavour as a PC to work within the Code of Conduct, act in a professional manner and putting aside our personal views to work for the benefit of the community. We strive to be open, efficient, progressive, and inclusive, yet we also embrace the challenges that are to come.


Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be your Chairman and to represent Leven.                        Pat Ablett — Chairman.




ERYC matters: Councillor Pollard thanked the chair for her kind words and for making her feel so welcome at the meetings. Councillor Pollard commented that there were major issues to face this year which could be challenging.




Any other business: Mrs. Ellerington – Jennings commented on the problems that residents were having with internet access.




The meeting closed at 7.30pm





Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Tuesday, 2 May 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.




Present: Mrs P Ablett (chair), R Southwell, J Bird, K Macklin, S Nicholson, S Mathison,


D Gillyon-Powell, M Gillyon-Powell, M Hilton, Cllr Pollard. Residents: Richard Thompson,


Bridget Ellerington-Jennings, Sue Boyd, Sheila Dyson




Apologies: none




Approval of the minutes: The minutes of the last meeting held on 3 May 2016 were approved,   M Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Mathison seconded and al were in favour of them being signed as a true record.




Chairman’s report:




LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, fellow Councillors as Chairman of the Parish Council it is my privilege to present the annual report for the Leven Parish Council 2016/17. In doing so I will highlight some of the matters that we have dealt with over the last 12 months.




As a PC, it has been our aim over the last few years to develop stronger ties with the community by having representatives on various organisations within the village, Sports Hall, Allotment Association, Family Festival, In Bloom, school, youth groups etc. We greatly value all the work that these groups undertake within our community with a view to making Leven a more vibrant and inclusive place to live.


We have had two resignations over this period for personal reasons. Dianne Hobson and Ed McGee. I would like to record a special thank you to Dianne for her contributions over the years and for all her liaison work with the school as our representative. Also, to Ed for his contributions to the PC and in the past for being our representative on the allotments. In their place, we have welcomed two new members Ray Gibson and Malcolm Hilton both of whom bring different skills to the meetings and I hope that they will find being on the PC both enjoyable and rewarding.




Over the last year, we have seen the adoption of the new ERYC Local plan outlining development up to 2024 and with it the expectation that as a village we must absorb a minimum number of new houses.


Graham Stuart our MP held his first ever open surgery in the village this year and it was well attended. Many issues were discussed.


It has been a challenging twelve months in many respects, but I would hope that the minutes of our monthly meetings speak for themselves as to the many matters that we have dealt with. Parish Council business does not stop once the monthly meeting is over. There is numerous day to day issues to be dealt with including highways, street scene, drainage, and vandalism. Sadly, we have experienced a resurgence of graffiti and vandalism around the village causing damage to property. These are criminal acts. Youngsters have been climbing onto the Sports Hall, school, and the youth club roofs, as well as taking chances in front of vehicles using the roads. It is understood that the culprits are local, and the police are now involved. It is a serious concern that they might fall from a height or be hit by a vehicle. Any information to Inspector Coulthard please, it must stop now before a serious incident occurs.


We are one of a few PC's in the East Riding to participate in the Paths Partnership Scheme. With this funding, we have been able to maintain the bridleways and public footpaths to a good standard and on a regular basis. Sadly, the scheme will cease after the 2017/18 financial year.




CHRISTMAS TREE light switch on — Again there was a good attendance for this celebration and it seems to be going from strength to strength now that we have settled on a day. Thank you to the Scouts for providing refreshments and to everyone who helped to make it a special occasion. The feedback from residents has been tremendous.




BULB PLANTING — eight sacks of daffodil bulbs and two of crocus have been planted in and around the village and I am sure everyone will agree what a wonder show of colour they have provided, particularly in The Orchards. The Jubilee Garden too is looking lovelier year on year as it matures.


Thank you to Gary Lee for maintaining the grass at the Jubilee Garden upon our behalf. To our handy man, Allan for all the work he carries out at the garden and around the village gathering up litter, bottles, leaves and much more besides. They both take a special pride in the appearance of the village which is also their home.


Being on the PC has given me the opportunity to attend specialist training courses with ERNLLCA on Chairmanship, disciplinary and grievance procedures etc. Legislation is changing all the time and it is important that we keep up to date with them.


Our Ward Councillors. A special thank you to Cllr. Pollard for attending our meetings whenever possible and for keeping us up to date with ERYC matters.




Sally - Our parish clerk - we are fortunate that she is so committed to the community within which she lives and often goes beyond her contracted hours to make sure that the job is not only done but that it is done correctly. Thank you for all you do.




As you can imagine it is not possible to mention everything that has happened over the last twelve months. We endeavour as a PC to work within the Code of Conduct, act in a professional manner and putting aside our personal views to work for the benefit of the community. We strive to be open, efficient, progressive, and inclusive, yet we also embrace the challenges that are to come.


Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be your Chairman and to represent Leven.                        Pat Ablett — Chairman.




ERYC matters: Councillor Pollard thanked the chair for her kind words and for making her feel so welcome at the meetings. Councillor Pollard commented that there were major issues to face this year which could be challenging.




Any other business: Mrs. Ellerington – Jennings commented on the problems that residents were having with internet access.




The meeting closed at 7.30pm







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