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Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 5 April 2016 at 7.15pm in the Recreation Hall.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), E McGee, J Bird, S Mathison, S Nicholson, Mrs Hobson,

D Gillyon-Powell, M Gillyon-Powell, R Southwell, I Fernie


Apologies: K Macklin


Declaration of interest: none


Minutes of the last meeting: Mrs Hobson proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


Matters arising:


Leven canal: Mrs Ablett reported that it has been cleaned. Mrs Ablett declared an interest in the matter as she is on the B & N H I D B. Mrs Ablett will speak to Jon Church, B & N H I D B regarding the cleaning of it.




March 10 2016                    Mrs L Betts                                 The Rectory

March 15                              ERYC                                            Connecting communities

March 24                              ERYC                                            Draft community infrastructure

March 30                              ERYC                                            Public spaces protection order

April 4                                   ERYC                                             Planning liaison meetings 2016


Leven Festival update:


Correspondence had been received by the clerk from Maggie Thorne regarding a memorial noticeboard for the village. Discussions were held regarding the positioning of it and Maggie Thorne had enquired as to whether it could be sited on the Jubilee Garden. It was explained in an email that the parish council wouldn’t agree to it as the Jubilee Garden was not intended as a memorial garden. E McGee had attended the committee meeting and is to remain as the parish council representative. The clerk will attend if available if E McGee cannot attend for any reason.


Register of Interests:


New forms were given out for completion by the councillors. The clerk will upload them onto the parish council website as required by the audit commission.

Parking issues – High Stile:


Mr Legard of High Stile had been in contact with the clerk regarding parking on High Stile.

Mrs Ablett advised that she had also been contacted by the head teacher of the school.

S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of the chair closing the meeting to allow Mr Legard to speak. Mr Legard explained that he had had problems with people parking across his driveway when dropping off and picking up children from the school. Some of the motorists had been quite abusive when spoken to. Mr Legard is concerned with the safety aspect of the children crossing from The Orchard and both

R Southwell and Mr Legard suggested that if the path continued along from The Orchard on to High Stile it would then allow the children to have a better view when crossing the road. The clerk is to write to highways and suggest a meeting with Councillor Southwell to discuss the matter further. The clerk is also going to write to the head teacher to suggest that they contact the New Inn to see if they would allow the car park to be used by parents when dropping off the children. This would help to keep the road clear of traffic. The meeting re-opened at 7.50pm.


Consultation – proposed diversion of Catwick bridleway no.1 and Leven bridleway no.8

J Bird declared an interest and left the meeting. S Nicholson advised that a lot of the residents do not want it moving. S Mathison asked if permission would have to be obtained from the owner of the dyke bank. S Mathison also commented that the horse riders do not want the bridleway to be removed and will be objecting to it. Questions were raised as to who would maintain the bridleway as it would put a burden on the parish council if they were expected to maintain it and would it be landscaped. D Gillyon-Powell objected on why it was being proposed on principal. It would legitimise a temporary access and make it permanent. M Gillyon-Powell agreed and commented that it was pre-empting making future decisions on planning applications. R Southwell commented that he couldn’t object to it. He felt that the bridleway would be better than the one that is already there.

D Gillyon-Powell proposed that the proposed diversion is objected to on the grounds of:

Why was it not an integral part of the original application to extend the mineral extraction in the location. It would be known when the original application was submitted that the Leven bridleway no.8 from B-A would prohibit any works to be carried out in the area. Date of permission granted 2010. We note in the proposed application that it is claimed that the new route would have enhanced scenic views. At point D there is a difficult crossing to bridleway no.3. It is a busy area obscured by farm buildings and would create a safety hazard to walkers and horse riders. There will be implications on the parish council budget due to the increased area of the proposed bridleway. R Southwell put forward a counter proposal to support the application as it would be an improved bridleway for horse riders. The proposal was carried to object to the application. All in favour, R Southwell against.




Planning applications:


16/00721/CM | Erection of extension to existing bagging plant building, erection of a 2 storey office building, installation of 2 weigh bridges and associated wheel wash, parking and turning circle | Yarrows Aggregates Limited Leven Bypass White Cross To Leven Roundabout Leven East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 5PS – received too late to be placed on the agenda so the clerk will ask that comments can be submitted after 3 May 2016.

J Bird returned to the meeting.


16/00890/TELCOM | Installation of 15m monopole mast supporting 1 antenna, 2 ground based cabinets and associated ancillary works | Waste Water Treatment Works Carr Lane Routh Carrs East Riding Of Yorkshire – no objections however comment made asking if it would have a light on top of it as there are many of them now on the wind turbines.


16/01031/TPO | TREE PRESERVATION ORDER - LEVEN NO.66 - 1999 (REF.527) - Fell Ash tree (T1) due to shedding/dropping of branches raising health and safety concerns. | 35 Carr Lane Leven East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5LN – support the recommendations of the tree officer.


Planning decisions: none


Treasurer’s report:


HMRC                                   £414.20                            Quarterly return

Sally Woolfitt                      £277.89                             April salary and expenses

Mr Dawson                         £151.20                             April salary

ERNLLCA                             £676.25                              Annual membership fees


S Mathison proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


Financial matters:


Parish paths – grass cutting quotes: The quotes had been discussed at the previous meeting but hadn’t been included as an agenda item so couldn’t be approved. S Nicholson proposed, I Fernie seconded and all in favour of Garden & Tree Services being offered the contract for this year. Mrs Ablett declared an interest as they had carried out work for her in the past. Gary Lee to cut the grass at the Jubilee Garden. The clerk is to write to them all.


Hull Aero Club – no request for grant monies received.


Representatives’ reports:


Police: S Mathison reported that there are a lot of Land Rovers being stolen. Garden sheds are also being broken into.


Beverley & North Holderness Drainage Board: Mrs Ablett has requested a works list to see what work is asked to be carried out.


Scouts: The AGM is to be held shortly.


Youth Club: A successful and enjoyable Easter egg hunt was held on Easter Sunday. 250 children attended. £900 was raised in income and from sponsors and a profit of £500 was made.


Routh Wind Farm: The annual review is being held on 11 April 2016 at 6.00pm at Tickton and everyone is welcome to attend. Groups are still welcome to bid for funding.


General purpose matters:


Grass cutting by ERYC: R Southwell wanted to know what the ERYC’s policy was regarding Ragwort. The clerk will write to the grounds supervisor for this area.


Hornsea Hospital: E McGee raised the issue regarding the proposed closure of the minor injuries department at Hornsea Cottage Hospital. He asked if the clerk could write to Graham Stuart offering the parish council’s support.


Date of next meeting:  Tuesday 3 May 2016 to follow the Annual Parish Meeting which is to be held at 7.15pm in the school.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.








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