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Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 1 March 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), S Mathison, S Nicholson, R Southwell, K Macklin, Mrs Hobson,

D Gillyon-Powell, J Bird, E McGee, Cllr Pollard(part-time)


Apologies: M Gillyon-Powell


Declaration of interest: none


Minutes of the last meeting: K Macklin proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


Matters arising:


Leven allotments: A Deed of Guarantee has been signed on behalf of the parish council and a letter has been received from ERYC exonerating the parish council from any debts accrued by the allotments association if it ceased to run and the allotments reverted back to the parish council.


Leven in Bloom: D Gillyon-Powell reported that 2 planters have been moved to the southern entrance to the village near to the Whitecross roundabout. J Bird commented that he wasn’t happy with them being there. D Gillyon-Powell advised that the planters belong to Leven in Bloom and not the parish council. This matter has been discussed previously and the parish council had obtained permission from ERYC to put them there. Mrs Ablett commented that perhaps they could be made to look less urban and more rural by softening the line when planting them up. It was also felt that they required to be sunk into the ground with plants trailing over the edges. They also could do with signs on the planters perhaps with Leven in Bloom village on them. D Gillyon-Powell advised that Leven in Bloom is ‘on its last legs’ due to lack of interest in the community.


Parish paths: K Macklin had obtained 3 quotes for the grass cutting of the public rights of way. 2 quotes were identical and one was excessive. JDV Landscaping had quoted but was very busy so didn’t want the work, Garden & Tree Services (Mrs Ablett declared an interest as they had carried out work for her in the past) was approx. the same as the parish council had paid last year and Graham Wilson & Sons which was excessive. Garry Lee has quoted for the grass cutting of the Jubilee Garden which is the same as last year. To be placed on the agenda for April 2016.

ERYC matters:

Councillor Pollard had nothing to report. S Nicholson asked if Cllr Pollard could sort out the flashing 20mph sign which is continually on at the top of Barleygate. Councillor Pollard left the meeting at 7.35pm.

Mr Rodney Robinson – Hull Aero Club:

Mr Robinson had been invited by the clerk to attend the meeting to allow him to tell the parish council about the 25 years celebrations of the club. S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of the chair closing the meeting to allow Mr Robinson to speak. The meeting closed at 7.35pm. Mr Robinson had been in contact with ERYC, highways who had suggested that he contact the parish council. The celebrations will take place on 20 August 2016 at the airfield. Donations are to be made to 2 charities. The RAF will be there and there will be a fly through by the Red Arrows on their way to the Whitby Regatta. There will be a Battle of Britain memorial flypast of a Spitfire, Hurricane and Lancaster bomber. Much more will take place during the day. A 40s style hangar dance will take place on the evening. Traffic control arrangements are being finalised and there will be an emergency exit which will come out at Eske. Parking will be in a field near to the Aero Club.   Mr Robinson left the meeting at 8.00pm. The meeting re-opened at 8.01pm. The clerk will write to Mr Robinson to thank him. E McGee suggested that a donation be made by the parish council and that he would contact Mr Robinson to suggest that he applied for one. To be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.




February 2016             East Riding Parish News                        Newsletter

                                       Tower Mint Ltd                                       HM Queen Elizabeth 11

February 14th               Autela Payroll Services                          Pension scheme

February 16th               Leven Festival                                         Date and times

February 19th               Conservative Group                               Horse warning signs

February 24th               ERYC                                                         Affordable housing


Following on from the correspondence from Maggie Thorne, Leven Festival a meeting was held with Andy East, The Clerk and Mrs Ablett. Mr East invited the clerk and Mrs Ablett to judge the parade and asked if another member of the parish council would also do it. Mrs Hobson put herself forward. Mr East had advised that there are now only 5 members on the festival committee and that this year could be the last year that it is held. E McGee will be attending the next committee meeting on behalf of the parish council. Mr East also suggested having a noticeboard in the village where village events could be advertised. At the meeting with Mr East it was brought to his attention that the parish council wouldn’t agree to a noticeboard being erected on the Jubilee Garden. Many requests had been received by the parish council for memorial benches/ memorials and it was not intended for a memorial garden.  The top of Westlands Way at the junction with South Street was an idea as to where it could be placed. E McGee thought that it was a good idea in principal. R Southwell did not like the idea and wondered who would be in charge of it and who would monitor the notices. A vote was held and J Bird, E McGee, K Macklin, Mrs Hobson, S Mathison and S Nicholson thought that it was a good idea in principle, R Southwell was against it and D Gillyon-Powell abstained. D Gillyon-Powell thought that there was enough street clutter and that we should be a paperless society and that the internet should be used to advertise events. The clerk is to write to Andy East advising of the above.


Planning applications: none


Planning decisions:


15/03810/PLF – HMTJ Trading LTD -  proposed replacement windows and demolition of single storey extension to the side. Render over existing painted brickwork at          Barleygate House, 7 South Street, Leven   -  Approved


Treasurer’s report:


Sally Woolfitt                      £277.69                   March salary and expenses

A E Dawson                         £142.53                   March salary

ERNLLCA                              £  54.00                   Course fees

Leven Youth Club               £  50.00                   Donation – Easter egg hunt


S Mathison proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


Financial matters:


Leven youth club: A letter had been received from the youth club asking for a donation towards the cost of Easter eggs for the Easter egg hunt to be held on Easter Sunday.

J Bird proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of a donation of £50 being made.


Representatives’ reports:


Leven School:  Mrs Hobson advised that 2 teachers had left the school. One place had been filled and the school is in the process of recruiting another member of staff. Years 5and 6 had enjoyed a visit to York Minster. New Inn had kindly offered to sponsor the school team football kit.


General purpose matters:


Leven canal: S Nicholson reported that the culvert under the canal needed to be cleaned out. Mrs Ablett will contact the IDB.


Date of next meeting: 5 April 2016 at 7.15pm in the Recreation Hall.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm.








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