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Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 6 September 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), S Nicholson, J Bird, R Southwell, D Gillyon-Powell, Cllr Pollard,

I Fernie (joined the meeting 8.15pm)


16-17/57  Apologies: Mrs Hobson, S Mathison, M Gillyon-Powell, K Macklin, E McGee


16-17/58  Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary  - none


16-17/59  Minutes of the last meeting: D Gillyon-Powell proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


16-17/60  Clerk’s report:


16/01509/PLF: The clerk had written to the planning office regarding the decision notice received. In the decision it was noted that the plans had been amended since the parish council submitted their comments and the parish council wanted to know why they had not been notified. The response from the planning officer was ‘ERYC would only re-consult on applications if major changes were proposed or if the changes would have an impact on the neighbours/surrounding area. In this case, the changes were minor (adding a door) and resolved the objection comments received from a neighbour’.


Planters: The clerk had been asked by Mrs Ablett to obtain 3 quotes for remedial work to be carried out to the planters at the entrance to the village. The quotes have not yet been received but in the meantime an offer has not been received to carry out the work free of charge. D Gillyon-Powell proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour of the clerk writing to the 3 builders to thank them and to advise them of the above.


J Bird left the meeting at 7.25pm to take a telephone call.


ERYC matters: Cllr Pollard had nothing to report on behalf of ERYC but asked if there was anything that the parish council would like her assistance with. Cllr Pollard advised that she would not make any comment on the item in the minutes regarding the planning application 16/02035/STOUT and at that point R Southwell declared an interest in the minutes.Mrs Ablett asked if ERYC were still to provide funding for the parish paths partnership in next year’s budget. Cllr Pollard advised that she would enquire and report back. Also the matter was raised regarding the finger post sign that was requested in January 2016 but as yet hasn’t been received. Cllr Pollard will chase the matter up with Andrew Chudley.


J Bird returned to the meeting at 7.28pm.


16-17/61  Planning applications:


* 16/02590/PLF  - Mrs Kate Drury - Erection of a first floor extension over existing garage and bedroom | 15C North Street Leven East Riding Of Yorkshire. The application was discussed and R Southwell proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour that there were no objections to the application.


16-17/62  Planning decisions: none


Cllr Pollard left the meeting at 7.40pm.


16-17/63  Correspondence:


8 August 2016                       Leven Youth Club                   Letter of thanks

11 August 2016                     ERYC                                         Planning appeal decision

19 August 2016                     CAB                                           Charitable help

22 August 2016                     ERYC                                         Public spaces protection orders

30 August 2016                     ERNLLCA                                  Community led housing survey

1 September 2016                ERNLLCA                                  Training

2 September 2016                ERYC                                         East Riding of Yorks Rural strategy


Mrs Ablett and the clerk are to attend the training provided by ERNLLCA.

Mrs Ablett and the clerk will answer the Community led housing survey on behalf of the parish council.


16-17/64  Treasurer’s report:


Garden & Tree Services                      £494.90             parish paths maintenance

Post Office (HMRC)                             £408.60             quarterly tax return

Mrs S L Woolfitt                                   £280.62             September salary and expenses

Mr A E Dawson                                    £151.20             September salary

Mr G Lee                                               £  70.00              grass cutting – South Street


J Bird proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


16-17/65  Financial matters: none


16-17/66  Clerk’s hours and salary scale:  The chair had asked the clerk to obtain salary scales being paid to clerks under new positions advertised. The salary scales for 3 positions advertised ranged between SCP 21 to 31 (£19742 - £27394 pro rata). The clerk is presently on SCP 19 (£18560 pro rata) and has been since 2004. S Mathison had sent an email in as he was unable to attend the meeting but had asked for the item to be placed on the agenda for discussion. He had proposed that the salary scale for the clerk should now be SCP 22 (£20456 pro rata) and as the amount of work has now increased greatly since the last review of the hours these should now be increased to 10 hours per week. S Nicholson proposed  that the hours be increased to 10 hours per week, J Bird seconded and all were in favour. S Nicholson proposed that the salary scale should be SCP22, J Bird seconded and all were in favour. D Gillyon-Powell proposed that an annual review of all salaried officers of the parish council should take place. S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour.


16-17/67  Change in bank signatories: Mrs Hobson has been unable to attend some of the meetings and therefore has not been able to sign the cheques at the meeting. The clerk has obtained a new bank mandate and S Mathison is to become a signatory.


16-17/68  Representatives reports:


Leven & Brandesburton Horticultural Society: D Gillyon-Powell reported that once again it was an excellent show and very well attended. A small profit of £300 was made.


Leven Youth Club: The Youth Club had applied to the Wray Trust for a grant of £1200 to purchase a ride on lawnmower. A new front door had kindly been fitted by Mt Macklin and Mr Kirkpatrick.


Leven airfield show: J Bird commented on what had been an excellent show and day out and Leven should be proud of it.


Leven Cubs: They are struggling to find leaders and if anyone is interested please contact Leven Cubs.


General purpose matters:


Planters – Whitecross: Mr Wilson had asked S Nicholson why the planters, which he thinks look like rubbish containers, are still in place at Whitecross roundabout.  


South Street: Mr Kay had commented to J Bird that glass had been left on the road and that a resident had had to sweep it up. If residents would like to let the clerk know then she will arrange for it to be cleared away.


Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 4 October 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.30pm










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