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Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 7 June 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: D Gillyon-Powell (Chair), M Gillyon-Powell, S Nicholson, S Mathison, K Macklin, J Bird, R Southwell, Mrs Hobson, E McGee, I Fernie


16-17/15  Apologies: Mrs Ablett


16-17/16  Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: J Bird declared a pecuniary interest in planning application 16/01318


16-17/17  Minutes of the last meeting: S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Hobson seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


16-17/18  Clerk’s report:


Leven sewage works: Matter had been reported to YW who reported back that they couldn’t find a leak. The clerk gave YW J Bird’s contact details and they liaised with          J Bird.


16-17/19  Correspondence:


May 2016                             Joint Minerals Local Plan              Consultation document

May 23 2016                        Humber & Wolds R C C                Grants

                                               Beryl Chamberlain                         Compound – Whitecross

May 24 2016                        ERYC                                                 Council tax discounts

                                               ERYC                                                 Library consultation

May 31 2016                        ERNLLCA                                          Transparency code

                                               Leven Festival                                 Road closures

June 2 2016                         ERYC                                                 Supported Bus services


16-17/20  Planning applications:


 16/01509/PLF | Alterations to shop front to create covered entrance space | Costcutter       8 West Street Leven East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 5LF    No objections


16/01318/CM | Variation of Condition 3 (opening hours) of planning permission 15/00219/STPLF to increase opening hours from 0700 to 1800 Mondays to Fridays and 0800 to 1300 Saturdays to enable the site to operate up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week | Yarrows Aggregates Limited Leven Bypass White Cross To Leven Roundabout Leven East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 5PS   J Bird left the room at 7.35pm and didn’t take part in any discussions. D Gillyon-Powell declared that he had submitted comments as an individual. R  Southwell said that the plant had already on occasions been running outside of the existing planning permission regarding operating times.                             The Chair,  D Gillyon-Powell asked for clarification on the statement made by                    R Southwell and advised him that this was a serious matter he was bringing to the attention of the parish council.  M Gillyon-Powell proposed and E McGee seconded that Leven parish council does not support the application. As nothing has changed since condition 3 of permission DC/15/00219/STPLF/STRAT "The opening hours of the aggregate recycling shall be: 0700 to 1800 hours Monday to Friday and 0800 to 1300 hours Saturday. This condition was imposed to protect the amenity of the area and to bring the development in line with existing operating hours of the quarry" was put in place only justification is to run the plant 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. A counter proposal was proposed by R Southwell and seconded by   I Fernie that the application should be approved as it stands. A vote on the counter proposal was taken and I Fernie and R Southwell were in favour. Mrs Hobson, S Mathison, S Nicholson, K Macklin, E McGee and M Gillyon-Powell were against it.   A vote was then taken on the original proposal and Mrs Hobson, S Mathison, S Nicholson, K Macklin, E McGee and M Gillyon-Powell were in favour. I Fernie and R Southwell voted against it. The counter proposal therefore fails and we now take the original proposal which was ‘Leven parish council does not support the application. As nothing has changed since condition 3 of permission DC/15/00219/STPLF/STRAT "The opening hours of the aggregate recycling shall be: 0700 to 1800 hours Monday to Friday and 0800 to 1300 hours Saturday. This condition was imposed to protect the amenity of the area and to bring the development in line with existing operating hours of the quarry" was put in place only justification is to run the plant 24 hours a day, 7 days per week’. Therefore the original proposal is carried. J Bird returned to the room at 8.06pm.


16-17/21  Planning decisions: none


16-17/22  Treasurer’s report:


Zurich Municipal                       £581.54                  Annual renewal

Garden & Tree Services           £494.90                  Parish paths maintenance

Garry Lee                                    £  50.00                  Grass cutting – South Street

HMRC                                          £408.40                  Quarterly tax return

S L Woolfitt                                 £285.95                 June salary and backdate

A E Dawson                                 £151.20                 June salary

Autela Payroll Services             £  30.00                 Payroll fees April – June 2016

Mrs W L Haywood                    £  50.00                  Internal auditor fees


S Mathison proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


16-17/23  Financial matters:


Leven Life: A letter had been received from Mrs Dyson regarding a request for a donation towards the cost of a new computer. The computer that Mrs Dyson is using to produce Leven Life on is one that she purchased herself some years ago and it is now running very slow and is out of date. Leven Life is delivered to every home in Leven and is very much appreciated. The cost of printing the magazine is covered by advertising charges. S Mathison proposed, S Nicholson seconded and  Mrs Hobson, I Fernie, J Bird,  M Gillyon-Powell,  E McGee and K Macklin were all in favour of giving a donation of up to £600 towards the cost of a new computer. R Southwell abstained as he thought that it was a high amount and that others in the village might like a donation. It was explained by the clerk that any group in the village can apply for a donation. Recently the youth club received a donation to purchase eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt and the Scouts received a donation towards electrical work at the scout hut.


Clerk’s salary: The 2016-2018 National Salary Award had been sent to all of the parish clerks showing the increase in the hourly rates from April 2016. S Nicholson proposed,  S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of the clerk having a salary increase of 9 pence per hour backdated to April 2016.


16-17/24  Approval of the Annual Governance Statement: M Gillyon-Powell proposed, K Macklin seconded and all were in favour of the approval of the above.


16-17/25  Approval of the Accounts: The accounts have been checked by the internal auditor before they are sent to the Audit Commission for their approval. S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


16-17/26  Representatives’ reports:


Police: S Mathison reported that there are a group of youths roaming around the village trying house doors to see if they are locked or open. Residents need to be vigilant.


History Group: S Nicholson advised that the group are looking at maps dating back to 1895 and 1905 and are carrying out a survey.


Youth Club: K Macklin reported that there is now a nature club on a Monday evening.


Festival committee: E McGee brought to the meeting an invoice from HPSS for the rental of the sound system hired for Leven Festival. The clerk advised that the item has to be on the agenda before it can be discussed. The clerk also asked for a covering letter from the committee. The matter is to be placed on the agenda for July. E McGee also referred to the noticeboard that the Festival committee are wanting in the village. E McGee advised that Andy East had stated that if the parish council did not agree with the noticeboard being erected on the Jubilee Garden then Andy East would apply himself for planning permission to put it there. D Gillyon-Powell felt that this statement was wholly inappropriate as it could be interpreted as blackmail or a threat against the parish council if we did not give way to the demands of the Festival Committee. Other councillors agreed with his statement. D Gillyon-Powell further commented that he felt that the Festival Committee needed to think further about their request for a donation before making such threats in this manner and that he personally would find it difficult to support such a motion for funding.


S Mathison left the meeting at 8.45pm


Leven School: Mrs Hobson reported that there is to be a summer fair on the evening of 10 June 2016 in the school grounds. Mrs Hobson also told the councillors that the New Inn have kindly allowed parents/guardians to use the car park when dropping off and picking up children from school. This should hopefully alleviate some of the traffic issues from around the school. The school also has a new school crossing patrol.


16-17/27  General purpose matters:


Beverley Road: A concerned resident reported that Laurel bushes have been planted on highways land outside of Leven House. The resident is concerned that they are too close to the road and will block the visibility for vehicles coming out of the drives close by. The clerk will write to highways.


Carr Lane: I Fernie reported that the hedge has been cut back at a property that backs onto the amenity land and a fence put up in its place. The clerk will contact ERYC to discuss further.


BT: E McGee has asked the clerk to write to BT regarding the broadband connection in the village. Residents are having issues with the service.


16-17/28  Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 5 July 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


S Nicholson gave his apologises for the next meeting.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.08pm.









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