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Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 1 November 2016 at 7.40pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), S Mathison, S Nicholson, E McGee, J Bird, R Southwell,

K Macklin, M Gillyon-Powell, D Gillyon-Powell, Cllr Pollard (part time)


16-17/84  Apologies: None


16-17/85  Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None


16-17/86  Minutes of the last meeting: R Southwell wanted to make a comment regarding planning application 16/02035/STOUT and the 4 seasons testing which was agenda item 16-16/77 from the last meeting. The chair advised R Southwell that he cannot correct something that that he was not part of. To allow discussions to take place R Southwell declared an interest and left the room at 7.45pm. The matter was discussed and the councillors are satisfied that the comments were correct with the information provided.

R Southwell returned to the room at 7.48pm and was advised by the chair that he cannot comment on the minutes. K Macklin proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record. D Gillyon-Powell and M Gillyon-Powell abstained as they were not at the previous meeting and R Southwell did not take part in the show of hands.


Councillor Pollard – ERYC matters: Councillor Pollard advised that she did not have anything to report on behalf of ERYC. The chair and clerk confirmed that they would be attending the meeting on 3 November 2016 at County Hall which is to be held by the Beverley Rural ward councillors. J Bird had been approached by a cyclist from the village who has had punctures due to the thorns being left on the pavement along the cycle track from Whitecross to Beverley. The road sweeper is also throwing up rubbish onto the pavement. Councillor Pollard is to enquire as to who is responsible for the street cleansing for the cycle track. The chair also raised the issue regarding the footpath between Whitecross roundabout and Leven village. The footpath in areas is no more than 6 inches wide and the surface is all broken up. Iain Sugden has been out in the past to look at it but has advised that it will have to be part of capital expenditure and it would have to go on the list. Councillor Pollard will speak to Iain Sugden for further clarification.


16-17/87  Clerk’s report:


Christmas lights: Ian Stones has confirmed that the Scouts will again help with the refreshments. Mr Dolman has confirmed that the school will hold a Christmas card competition and has asked that the parish council ask someone to judge it. It was hoped that the school choir would be able to sing at the switch on but unfortunately that cannot now take place. The clerk is to ask Leven Lites if they will be able to.


Parish council vacancies: 2 letters have been received to date. Pro-forma has to be completed by all applicants. This will be sent out by the clerk.  All applicants will be invited to the meeting in December 2016.


Dog fouling: Notices have been put up asking for dog owners to clear up after their dogs. There are problems with dog owners bagging up the dog waste but then leaving it on fences instead of taking it home.


16-17/88  Correspondence:


October 10 2016                              Leven Lites                          Panto Banner

October 13 2016                              ERYC                                     Parish council vacancy

October 20 2016                              ERYC                                     Lifepak defibrillators

October 20 2016                              Northern Powergrid          Investment news

October 24 2016                              Mrs Drake                           Church side

October 26 2016                              ERYC                                     Rough sleeper estimate 2016

October 27 2016                              AECOM (ERYC)                    Landscape character assessment

November 1 2016                           Robinson’s Contractors     Snow clearance quote


The matter regarding snow clearance will be placed on the agenda for the December meeting. However, if we were to have snow between now and the December meeting           S Mathison proposed, K Macklin seconded and all were in favour of the chair and clerk to arrange for the snow to be cleared to allow for resident’s safety in the village. Robinson’s have advised that they will be undertaking gritting of the roads but not the pavements.


16-17/89  Planning application received: none


16-17/90  Planning decisions: none


16-17/91  Treasurer’s report:


Mrs S L Woolfitt                        £28.50                                   Printer ink and paper

Mr G Lee                                    £70.00                                   Grass cutting – South Street

Mrs S L Woolfitt                     £383.52                                   November salary and expenses

Mr A E Dawson                      £151.00                                   November salary


J Bird proposed, M Gillyon-Powell seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.



16-17/92  Financial matters:


Clerk’s pension: A gratuity had been included in the accounts in lieu of a pension. As a work place pension now has to be offered by the employer the accruing of the gratuity will now cease. The clerk had enquired about transferring this into a pension fund through ERYC.

J Bird proposed, E McGee seconded and all were in favour of the above.


16-17/93  Representatives’ reports:


Youth Club: R Southwell reported that the youth club is running well with a good set up. More parent helpers have come forward. The children enjoyed Halloween up at the nature park.


Leven sports hall: K Macklin reported that there is a Leven Playingfields Management meeting at the sports hall next week. Also the annual craft fair is taking place on

6 November 2016.


Guerrilla History Group: S Nicholson reported that they are now studying the origins of the Hare and Hounds public house.


Parish paths partnership: K Macklin is to check with Andrew Chudley, ERYC as to whether the parish councils will be able to apply for funding next year. If not then an increase will have to be built into the budgeting of the precept to cover the cost of the grass cutting of the public rights of way. This year £2000 has been spent on 4 cuts.  


16-17/94  General purpose matters:


Parking – Westlands Way: A complaint had been received from Jane Waterson-Smith regarding the parking of cars at the junction of Westlands Way and South Street and South Street at school drop off and pick up times. The clerk is to write to Mr Dolman, Leven school to ask parents/guardians to be more considerate when parking. The clerk will ask enquire as to whether the park and stride from the New Inn pub is still being utilised.


Public bridleway No 3: A letter of complaint from Fiona Clark with photographs included had been received showing that part of the bridleway had been ploughed up. An email with photographs attached will be sent to Mr Andrew Chudley, Countryside Access Officer, ERYC asking him to look into it.


Weed spraying – gutters: A complaint has been received from Mrs Brown regarding the weeds in the gutters around The Meadows. Councillors also commented on the state of the gutters. The clerk will ask ERYC to come in to the village and spray all of the gutters.


16-17/95:  Future parish council meetings:


The chair reported that other parish councils hold open forums at different times during the year to allow residents to come and meet the parish councillors to discuss any issues that they may have regarding the village. The open forums are before the parish council meetings and are usually for approx. 20 minutes. The councillors discussed the idea and agreed that if the parish council holds them before the meetings in January and September next year to see if any one attends. The annual parish meeting is always held in May and is also when residents can come and raise issues relating to the village.


16-17/96:  Date of next meeting   Tuesday, 6 December 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.

















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