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Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 2 August 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), S Nicholson, S Mathison, J Bird, I Fernie, E McGee, K Macklin,

Mrs Hobson, M Gillyon-Powell, D Gillyon-Powell, R Southwell, approx. 70 residents


16-17/45  Apologies: Councillor Pollard


16-17/46  Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: R Southwell declared a pecuniary interest in planning application 16/02035/STOUT.


 An open forum had been arranged to allow a representative to speak on behalf of some of the residents from The Orchard and Rosedale and the applicants representative to speak on behalf of the applicants regarding planning application 16/02035/STOUT – Southwell County Homes and Mr & Mrs Mackinder – Outline – erection of residential development for up to 70 dwellings (access and scale to be considered) at land south of  The Redwoods, High Stile, Leven.   S Nicholson proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour, excluding R Southwell who did not show his hand, of the chair closing the meeting at 7.20pm to allow the forum to take place. The chair advised that the meeting was being recorded and if anyone objected to being recorded when they were speaking to put their hand up and the recording would be stopped. R Southwell left the meeting at 7.20pm.


Mr James Pyper from nineteen47 acting for the applicants spoke first and advised that the application was at the outline stage and that he first got involved with the proposal in 2007. He advised that ERYC had identified between 15 and 20 sites in the village for the Local Development Plan (LDP). The site in question had gone through various stages of consultation and had identified land and technical studies and also highway and ecology studies. Pre planning application discussions had taken place. In 2013 ERYC were advised by the government inspector that there was a need for more houses to be built than first thought. Leven had to take 210 houses as opposed to 170. The proposed site is a small section of LEV A. The application is an outline application for up to 70 houses and the access and scale is to be considered at this time. The government guidelines suggest 30-45 houses per hectare and this application is for 27 houses per hectare which is under the government guidelines. A drainage strategy document, flood risk strategy document and ecology report have been submitted to ERYC. The drawings show access from Rosedale although junctions have been looked at further afield. They would like to engage with other parties. The chair stopped Mr Pyper from speaking as he had overran the agreed 5 minutes to be allowed.


Tracy Fletcher spoke on behalf of LEVEN VILLAGERS AGAINST ‘LEVEN A’  campaign group

and advised that she was there to put questions forward to the parish council. Ms Fletcher advised that she had taken legal advice and accused the parish council of precarious liability. She further stated that Leven parish council had failed in its duty of care for the residents of Leven.

Ms Fletcher stated that the residents are passionate about where they live and feel that there had been a lack of investment in the village. Ms Fletcher wanted to know how the village could galvanise the parish council’s support. Ms Fletcher spoke of the flooding in the village in 2007 and how it had affected the resident’s lives and by allowing the building work to take place this would cause the same problems to happen again. Ms Fletcher spoke of the other areas that had been submitted for the LDP and why the parish council had chosen LEV A which was in a flood risk area. Ms Fletcher spoke of the impact 210 houses would have on the infrastructure in the village and how the school, doctors and shop would not be able to cope with the increased number of residents. 


Residents raised many questions and the parish council responded to them:


Mr Mark Breeze commented on the fact that the number of houses to be built had started off at 170 and the government inspector had increased the number to 210. These have to be built by 2029. The concern in the village is that residents were not aware of this nor the Local Development Plan. The chair responded by saying that since the beginning of the consultation process for the proposed ERYC Local Development Plan starting in 2010 and continuing on a regular basis, notices had been put up in the noticeboards, minutes of the parish council meetings were published and put up in the noticeboards and articles had been put in Leven Life which is delivered to every property in the village. The chair further advised that it was the government that imposed the number of properties and not ERYC. The government inspector has ratified in the LDP that houses cannot be built on the site until a flood strategy is in place.


The chair spoke of the Holderness Flood Alleviation Scheme which is in the early stages of being looked at and is now with the Environment Agency for their comments. The scheme needs to be in place to protect the village and surrounding areas.


A resident asked how the village could galvanise a relationship with the parish council. The chair advised them all to write to the Ward Councillors who are there to represent the residents. Also residents need to write to ERYC with their comments (for or against the application) and write in regarding the flood alleviation scheme. The clerk will put up all of the contact details in the parish council noticeboards.


Mr David Thorne raised the issue regarding the infrastructure in the village and commented on the small shop. The chair advised that the school want more children on its books and that the  parish council had written to the doctors regarding the proposed increase in numbers of patients and that the parish council had not had any response to the letter.


Mrs Ann Smith commented on the fact that ERYC had the final say on the sites. The chair responded by saying that it was the government inspector and not ERYC who made the final decision.


Ms Tracy Fletcher commented on the fact that the parish council had suggested LEV A as the preferred site. The chair advised that we had considered all of the sites put forward and that the decision was made as it was the most suitable site and it wasn’t considered to be a major flood risk area at that time.


Councillor Bird commented on the flooding of June 2007 and that it wasn’t Leven water that had caused the flooding. The water had come from Hornsea. Councillor Bird also commented that building houses on LEV A will not cause a flood risk elsewhere.


Mr Mark Breeze commented that the 4 seasons testing should be carried out as suggested by the flood team officers at ERYC.


A resident asked the question as to why the large site which could have had 400 houses built on it wasn’t selected.  The chair commented that the site was too large and was in a high risk flood area. The chair stated that the Environment Agency had updated the flood risk maps since 2010. The majority of Leven is now in flood risk 2. The question was asked as to why smaller sites had not been selected and the chair advised that there were not any suitable ones.


Further comments were made regarding the traffic issues relating to Rosedale and how the highways officer had stated that there were already traffic calming measures in place due to residents parking their cars on the road. It was noted that there is no pavement at the top of Rosedale and the chair advised that this could be commented on.


Councillor McGee commented on the sewers and wanted to know where all of the sewerage is going to go. The main sewer goes through the proposed site and the capacity of the drains needs to be looked at. The existing pump station is prone to cutting out and flooding. The comment was made that the 2007 floods were due to the pump breaking down at The Orchard.  A resident commented on the fact that they had had to use porta loos brought in by the council.


The meeting re-opened at 8.10pm.  R Southwell re-joined the meeting.


16-17/47  Minutes of the last meeting:   J Bird proposed, E McGee seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a  true record.


16-17/48  Clerk’s report:


Mill Drive/ Barleygate: The chair had spoken to Iain Sugden, ERYC and discussed the condition of the road. Mrs Hobson advised that some patching up of the pot holes had taken place.


Leven Festival: The chair had met with Iain Sugden, ERYC who has agreed to the siting of the noticeboard.


16-17/49  Planning applications:


16/02035/STOUT – Southwell County Homes and Mr & Mrs Mackinder – Outline – erection of residential development for up to 70 dwellings (access and scale to be considered) at land south of  The Redwoods, High Stile, Leven   R Southwell left the meeting at 8.15pm and did not take part in any of the discussions regarding the planning application.


D Gillyon-Powell commented on the strength of local opinion around the flood risk issues. Although the question had been asked at the open forum it was difficult for anyone to say that they were in favour of the application. S Mathison commented that sewerage hasn’t been mentioned in the application and that the existing drains and pump station was put in in the 1950s. Drainage and sewerage is the biggest consideration and concern. There is not enough room in the sewerage system and only one pump in the village. This is prone to flooding of effluent onto land when it rains. Hull City Council have granted planning for up to 700 homes on land at Kingswood and this will cause Leven to flood first. The chair commented that there are no footpaths on the plans to join Rosedale with the rest of the village. 4 seasons testing must be carried out on the site. Leven needs action to prevent flooding around The Orchard.  The Holderness Flood Alleviation Scheme is in its early stages and could take up to 3 years to be in place. With the Environment Agency now being looked at. J Bird suggested that the construction traffic could obtain access through The Redwoods.

S Mathison commented that the stables and builders yard are not in the application.

M Gillyon-Powell commented that it would impact on the health services in the village. The doctors surgery building is too small and inadequate. Discussions took place as to whether the parish council objects to the application or accepts it but with conditions. The chair advised that there would be a recorded vote on the decision. E McGee proposed,                                 S Mathison seconded and J Bird, I Fernie, S Nicholson, Mrs Hobson, K Macklin,

M Gillyon-Powell and D Gillyon-Powell were all in favour of the application being refused.

E McGee expressed his thanks to the chair for the way that she handled the open forum and for the hardwork in getting ready for the presentation.

R Southwell re-joined the meeting at 8.50pm.


16-17/50    Planning decisions:


16/01509/PLF – Mr Steve Thompson – Alterations to shop front to create covered entrance space at Costcutter, 8 West Street, Leven   Approved

The clerk is to write to the case officer as the plans had been amended since they were submitted but the parish council had not been notified.


16/01031/TPO – Mr Phillip Hotchkin – TPO – Leven no.66-1999 (ref 527) – fell Ash tree due to shedding/dropping of branches raising health and safety concerns at 35 Carr Lane, Leven

Refused consent


16-17/51   Correspondence


9 July 2016            Leven & Brandes Hort society             Letter of thanks

10 July 2016          Leven Life                                                Letter of thanks

11 July 2016          Cllr Pollard, ERYC                                   Signage – East Street

14 July 2016          Leven in bloom                                       Planters

19 July 2016          Humberside Police                                Communities Policing Report

21 July 2016          Mike Ball, ERYC                                      Maintenance work – Monk Bridge

22 July 2016          Northern Powergrid                              Launch of new number

25 July 2016          Iain Sugden, ERYC                                  Highway matters

25 July 2016          Katie Bowman, ERYC                             Neighbourhood Planning Event

27 July 2016          Andrew Aldis, ERYC                               City of Culture 2017

28 July 2016          Andrea Turton, ERYC                             GRANTfinder 4 local government

1 August 2016      Rev James Grainger-Smith                    Re GRANTfinder

1 August 2016      Bob Rackley EYMS                                  ERYC review of bus services


16-17/52  Treasurer’s report


S L Woolfitt                     £280.42                  August salary and expenses

Mr G Lee                         £   50.00                  Grass cutting  South Street

Mr A Dawson                 £ 151.00                  August salary


M Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


16-17/53   Financial matters   - none


16-17/54  Representatives reports:


Leven Family Festival – E McGee reported that it had been very successful and will be held again next year.  The chair reported that she had met with Iain Sugden, ERYC and that the site for the noticeboard had been agreed. The clerk is to write to David Thorne advising of this and asking for a drawing of the noticeboard so that it can be sent to ERYC for approval.


History Group – S Nicholson reported that they were starting a new project.


Leven & Brandesburton Horticultural Society – D Gillyon-Powell reminded everyone that the annual show will take place on 20 August 2016 in the Sports Hall. Caroline Bilton from

Radio Humberside will be presenting the trophies.


Parish Paths Partnership – K Macklin reported that the paths had been cut today.


Police – S Mathison reported that thieves were stealing lead from roofs.


Leven School – Mrs Hobson advised that the school had been successful with their bid for a grant from Routh Wind Farm for outside musical equipment.


Leven in Bloom – ERYC have agreed to the siting of the planters at The Orchard and

East Street. A sculpture has been made by Bob Whatley for the village and ERYC had suggested that it could be erected on the Jubilee Garden. Members of the parish council are not happy with the suggestion.


16-17/55   General purpose matters:


Barleygate/Mill Drive – the clerk is to write to ERYC to say that the road badly needs to be replaced and must be prioritised.


Hornsea Road – comments received that there are no flowers in the planters.


16-17/56   Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 6 September 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.

S Mathison sent his apologises as he would not be able to attend.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm.














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