Leven Parish Council


Minutes February 2019

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 5 February 2019 at 7.15pm in the sports hall.


Present: Mrs. Ablett (Chair), K Macklin, R Gibson, D Gillyon-Powell, S Mathison, S Nicholson, M Hilton, 1 visitor


18-19/106     Apologies: M Gillyon-Powell, Mrs. Ellerington – Jennings


18-19/107     Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None


18-19/108     Minutes of the last meeting: K Macklin proposed, D Gillyon-Powell seconded, and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


18-19/109     Clerk’s report:


South Street – crossroads build-out: Following on from the last meeting Mrs Ellerington-Jennings and

D Gillyon-Powell had been out to measure the new build-out on South Street. It is the agreed length. Concerns were raised that the area between the build-out is now being used by one resident for all his vehicles to be parked there. S Nicholson also questioned the positioning of the dropped kerbs at the top of East Street. The clerk explained that the dropped kerbs are near to the junction as it is assumed that vehicles will be travelling at a slow speed as they will have just turned into the road. The clerk has chased up the remedial work that needs to be carried out to the double yellow lines and highways are to chase up the contractor.


18-19/110     Correspondence


15 January 2019


Public Spaces Protection Order review 2019

22 January 2019



29 January 2019

Mrs Y Sykes


30 January 2019


Committee for Standards in Public Life

30 January 2019


Code of Conduct Review

31 January 2019

Michelle Binns

First Aid Training

4 February 2019


Consultation on the Draft Planning Enforcement Plan

4 February 2019


Town and Parish Council Communication Review Panel


18-19/111     Leven village panel membership – Routh Wind Farm Community Fund:

Mrs Ablett had asked for this to be an agenda item. Mrs Ablett’s term of office on the Routh Wind Farm Community Fund finishes at the end of May 2019. There is a parish council representative and a community representative from Leven on the Board at the present time. Discussions were held as to whether the parish council wanted to continue with this arrangement or have 2 community representatives instead. The parish councillors are to give this some thought and bring it back to the March 2019 meeting for further discussion.



18-19/112     Planning applications


18/04103/PLF -Miss T Fletcher - Erection of 2.4m high wooden fence to front, side and rear (retrospective application) at 8 The Bryants, Leven – Objections to the application


18/04095/STPLF – FCC Environment Ltd - Construction of holiday park comprising of 55 lodges, reception/amenity building and associated infrastructure at Catwick Grange, Hornsea Road, Leven

No objections to the application however Leven parish council would ask that the following comments are considered: The lodges are for holiday use only and are not for 12-month residential use.

No jet skis to be allowed on the lake/lagoon. Leven village already suffers from the noise of jet skis from other water parks in Brandesburton. No more than 55 lodges to be allowed as any more would create an overdevelopment of the site. There must be adequate screening to the site. As S Mathison owns land next door to the proposed site he declared a non-pecuniary interest in the application and did not take part in any discussions.


19/00075/PLF – Mr Graham Kemp - Erection of two storey extension with balcony at Eastfield, Hornsea Road, Leven – No objections to the application


18-19/113     Planning decisions


18/03689/PLF – Mr Wilkinson – Erection of 2 dwellings following removal of existing garage at land north of 10 Goosenook Lane, Leven   Application refused


18-19/114     Treasurer’s report


Leven Playing Fields Association       £154.00            Room hire charges April 2018 – March 2019

S L Woolfitt (Christmas Direct)          £251.34            Replacement Christmas tree lights

S L Woolfitt                                           £376.18            February salary and expenses

A E Dawson                                           £170.71            February salary


S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


18-19/115     Financial matters – Donation request HART      

The Clerk explained that a donation to HART has already been made in the current financial year. The clerk is to advise HART of this and will include it as an agenda item in April 2019.


18-19/116     Representatives reports


Leven Playing Fields Association: M Hilton reported that the work to the tennis courts is due to start at the end of February 2019.


18-19/117    General purpose matters


Leven Scouts: D Gillyon-Powell reported that a new Scout group has now set up in Leven.


Waste bin – Near to the Church: S Nicholson asked why the double bin had been swapped for a single bin. The clerk is to contact Environmental Services, ERYC to ask.


Winter gritting:


Robinson Contract Services will no longer be carrying out a gritting service and therefore the village will now have to rely on ERYC to carry out gritting during the bad weather. The parish council is very grateful for the gritting service Robinson Contract Services has provided over the last 6 years. Unfortunately, since ERYC ceased providing winter maintenance grants to the villages and towns many stopped paying for gritting. The clerk has tried to find an alternative source but has been unable to do so.


18-19/118    Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 5 March 2019 at 7:15pm in the sports hall.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:50pm.


