Leven Parish Council


Minutes April 2018

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 3 April 2018 at 7.15pm in the

Sports Hall.


Present: Mrs. Ablett (chair), S Mathison, M Hilton, R Southwell, K Macklin, R Gibson,

D Gillyon-Powell


17-18/143   Apologies: J Bird, Mrs. Ellerington-Jennings, S Nicholson, M Gillyon-Powell


17-18/144   Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None


17-18/145   Minutes of the last meeting: S Mathison proposed, D Gillyon-Powell seconded, and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


17-18/146   Clerk’s report: None


17-18/147   Code of Conduct/Register of Interests: The clerk read out an email received from ERYC advising of amendments that were being made by ERYC to their Code of Conduct and the Register of Interests forms that are completed by the councillors when becoming a councillor. After considering the changes D Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of continuing with the Code of Conduct and Register of Interests that Leven parish council has previously adopted.


17-18/148   General Data Protection Regulations: The clerk is awaiting further information from ERNLLCA. Moved to the May 2018 agenda.


17-18/149   Correspondence:


6 March 2018                           ERNLLCA                                  GDPR

12 March 2018                        Conservative Group              Sandholme Park planning application

16 March 2018                        ERYC                                         Environment Agency Floodline number

26 March 2018                        ERYC                                         Parking – High Stile

26 March 2018                        ERYC                                         Parish Council Liaison Meetings

28 March 2018                        ERYC                                         Town and Parish Council

                                                                                                      Communication review panel survey


The Town and Parish Council Communication review panel survey issued by ERYC is to be completed by the chair.


17-18/150   Planning applications:


R Southwell declared a pecuniary interest in planning application 18/00533/PLF and left the room whilst discussions took place. R Southwell did not take part in the voting.


18/00533/PLF – Mr & Mrs Shields -  Erection of single storey extension to rear with alterations to create passage way into 62 East Street, external alterations to front and rear, erection detached garage and replacement boundary fence at 64 East Street Leven. HU17 5NG  - no objections to the application.


18/00562/PLF – Mr. & Mrs. C J Coulter -  Erection of a first-floor extension and single storey extension to rear at 9 South Parade Leven HU17 5LJ – no objections to the application.


18/00628/CM – Sandsfield Gravel Company Ltd -  Variation of Condition 1 (expiration period) and Condition 2 (approved plans and documents) of planning permission 08/00967/STVARE dated 1 September 2008 to allow operation of site for extraction of minerals and land filling of non-hazardous waste for a further 20 years until 21 February 2038  Sandsfield Gravel Company Limited Foss Hill Quarry Catwick Lane Brandesburton YO25 8SA - Leven parish council were not consulted when the original planning permission was granted. We have no objections however, we would ask that any environmental disturbances (hazardous waste, level of toxic smells) are monitored on a regular basis.


18/00581/CM – Sandsfield Gravel Company Ltd - Extension to the mineral extraction and land filling boundary northwards by 40m along the northern edge of the Site (in-line with Sandsfield's ownership boundary) and retention of 2 leachate holding tanks and a 750m long 90mm diameter gravity fed buried pipeline to discharge leachate to sewer at Sandsfield Gravel Company Limited Foss Hill Quarry Catwick Lane Brandesburton YO25 8SA - Leven parish council were not consulted when the original planning permission was granted. We have no objections however, we would ask that any environmental disturbances (hazardous waste, level of toxic smells) are monitored on a regular basis.


17-18/151   Planning decisions:


17/04006/PLF - Broadtrench Ltd -  Erection of a general purpose agricultural pig finishing building (Building A1) and feed silo at Low Baswick Farm, Heigholme Lane, Leven   Approved

17/04007/PLF - Broadtrench Ltd - Erection of a general purpose agricultural pig finishing building (Building A2) and feed silo at Low Baswick Farm, Heigholme Lane, Leven    Approved  

17/04005/PLF - Broadtrench Ltd - Erection of a general purpose agricultural pig finishing building (Building B) and feed silos at Low Baswick Farm, Heigholme Lane, Leven     Approved


17-18/152   Treasurer’s report:


Autela Group                                          £  63.36                          Payroll fees

S L Woolfitt  (Pete Bowser)                  £250.00                          Tree works – public right of way

ERNLLCA                                                  £705.37                          Membership fees 2018/2019

ERYC                                                         £288.00                          Winter maintenance – salt bin fill ups

Robinson Contract Services                 £624.00                           Winter gritting service

HMRC                                                      £488.40                           Quarterly tax return

HART                                                       £400.00                           Donation


K Macklin proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


17-18/153   Financial matters:


HART donation: a letter had been received from HART asking if the parish council would consider donating towards HART transport. The service provided by HART includes transport for hospital appointments, dentist appointments, weekly shopping trips and is well used in the village.

S Mathison proposed a donation of £400, K Macklin seconded and all were in favour of the payment being made. 


17-18/154   Representatives reports:


Police: S Mathison reported that there are still burglaries taking place in the village. Residents need to be vigilant.


Youth Club: A very successful Easter egg hunt was held at the Nature Park. 400 people attended. £900 was raised for youth club funds.


Leven Sports Hall: The annual auction has taken place. £2600 was raised.


Leven playing fields: Work is to commence at the playpark in May 2018.


17-18/155   General purpose matters:


Fly tipping: A child’s car seat has been dumped on the public bridleway behind the compound at Whitecross. The clerk is to report it to ERYC.


Seat: S Mathison reported that the seat that had been situated at the bus stop near to the church has now been repaired after being vandalised. As a seat has been put in its place the parish council now needs to find a place in the village to site it.


Dogs on leash: M Hilton wanted to know if dogs must be on a leash always when in a public place. The clerk is to contact the dog warden for clarification.


Litter picking: The clerk is to write to Hannah Watson thanking her for clearing the letter in the village recently. Hannah is raising funds for an overseas trip with the Venture Scouts in the summer.


Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 1 May 2018 at 7.15pm in the Sports Hall. The Annual Parish meeting will take place followed by the Parish council meeting.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.












