Leven Parish Council


Agenda May 2018

Leven Parish Council

1 Rosedale



East Riding of Yorkshire

HU17 5NE


01964 544355








A meeting of Leven parish council will take place on Tuesday, 1 May 2018 to follow the Annual Parish Meeting which is to be held at 7.15pm in the Sports Hall, North Street, Leven




18-19/1   Apologies

18-19/2   Election of Officers

18-19/3   Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary

18-19/4   Minutes of the last meeting

18-19/5   Clerk’s report

18-19/6   Review of policies

18-19/7   GDPR

18-19/8   East Riding of Yorkshire and KUH joint Minerals Local Plan

18-19/9   Correspondence

18-19/10 Planning applications

18-19/11 Planning decisions

18-19/12 Treasurer’s report

18-19/13 Financial matters                                   Grant request Leven Sports Hall

                                                                                    Grant request Leven playpark

18-19/14 Representatives reports

18-19/15 General purpose matters

18-19/16 Date of next meeting

18-19/17 Confidential item





Sally L Woolfitt

Clerk to Leven parish council

