Leven Parish Council


November 2017

Minutes of Leven Parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 7 November 2017 at 7,15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), D Gillyon-Powell, M Gillyon-Powell, K Macklin, S Mathison,

S Nicholson, J Bird, R Gibson, Mrs Ellerington, R Southwell, M Hilton, Cllr Pollard (pt)


17-18/80   Apologies: None


17-18/81   Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None


17-18/82   Minutes of the last meeting: D Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record. J Bird and Mrs Ellerington abstained as neither were at the October 2017 meeting.


17-17/83   Clerk’s report:


Christmas lights: The clerk has written to the scouts asking if they would like to serve the refreshments but has not had a reply yet.


Litter bin:  The clerk had had a rough count of the litter bins in the village and it totalled 15. Will place on the agenda for December to discuss the purchase of one for the bottom of The Orchard.


17-18/84   Correspondence:



October 2017                 ERYC                                       Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour

2 October 2017              Oil-club.co.uk                       Heating oil club

5 October 2017              ERYC                                       Planning application 17/03049/CM

6 October 2017              ERYC                                       Town & parish council name banks

11 October 2017            ERYC                                       Footway maintenance works

12 October 2017            ERYC                                       East Street build-out and restrictions

13 October 2017            ERYC                                       East Street build-out and restrictions

17 October 2017            Beverley Airfield                  Proposed variation to airfield

19 October 2017            Mr Jennings                          Mr John Bird – councillor

19 October 2017            ERYC                                       Estimate of rough sleepers 2017

21 October 2017            Mr Thompson                       Mr John Bird – councillor

27 October 2017            ERYC                                       East Riding & Hull joint minerals Plan

30 October 2017            ERNLLCA                                Council tax referendum principles

30 October 2017            Zurich ins                               Local community advisory service

November 2017             Clerks & Councils Direct      Newsletter

2 November 2017          Humberside Police              Scam warning

3 November 2017          ERYC                                       Acknowledgement – revised registers

3 November 2017          ERNLLCA                                Smaller Councils Committee elections

3 November 2017          EYMS                                      EYMS newsletter


Rodney Robinson from Beverley Airfield had asked if he could attend the meeting to inform the councillors of the proposed planning application for the airfield. S Nicholson proposed,

S Mathison seconded an all were in favour of the chair closing the meeting to allow Mr Robinson to speak. The meeting closed at 7.25pm.


Mr Robinson explained that at the moment the airfield has planning consent to allow not more than 30 take offs and landings on any one day, 365 days of the year. This equates to 10950. The airfield is now wanting to seek an annual limit of 11000 movements (this being a rounded figure of 365 x 30). This would allow for more flying if special events are held at the airfield. Now they average 20 per day. The 2016 figure was 7256 movements. Mr Robinson asked if a maximum of 50 on one day would be an acceptable figure. Mrs Ellerington asked if that figure included helicopters as there seems to be a fair number of them taking off and landing on a weekend. J Bird thought that there wasn’t a problem with aeroplanes, helicopters and microlights and that traffic could be more of an issue. Mrs Ablett asked if the operating hours would be the same 9.00am – 9.00pm and was advised that they would be. R Gibson was not happy with open ended numbers in any one day. M Gillyon-Powell commented that the parish council had not had any complaints and thanked Mr Robinson for his pro-active attitude. R Southwell commented that the airfield was an asset to Leven. The meeting re-opened at 7.35pm. Mr Robinson left the meeting at 7.35pm. S Mathison also left the meeting at 7.35pm and re-joined at 7.37pm. As the application has not yet been received by the parish council for consideration no comments could be submitted to ERYC.


Councillor Pollard left the meeting at 7.55pm.


East Riding and Hull Joint Minerals Local Plan Site Assessment Fact Check Document:

The above document had been received and circulated to the councillors. 7 sites had been submitted that fall within or adjacent to Leven parish boundary. The object of the exercise is to try to ensure that East Riding of Yorkshire Council have assessed each site fairly and correctly in line with the assessment methodology and considering all available evidence and knowledge. As 5 of the sites were in Yarrows name J Bird left the room at 8.26pm whilst the councillors discussed the documents. However, it was felt that more time was needed to be able to discuss the documents in more detail.   As the document had been sent to parish councils without allow much time for consideration D Gillyon-Powel proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of setting up a subcommittee to assess each site.   S Nicholson, S Mathison, K Macklin, R Southwell and the clerk to meet on Friday, 10 November 2017 to discuss. J Bird returned to the room at 8.50pm.


17-18/85   Planning applications:


17/03061/PLF – Hopkinson – Construction of dormer extensions to front and rear and replacement roof to existing conservatory at 56 Westlands Way, Leven – No objections to the application.


17-18/86   Planning decisions: none


17-18/87   Treasurer’s report:


S L Woolfitt                                      £405.02                              November salary and expenses

Mr A E Dawson                               £163.30                              November salary

ERYC                                                 £234.72                               Street lighting agreement


S Nicholson proposed, K Macklin seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


At present the parish council has a current account and a reserve account with NatWest. The clerk suggested that the accounts be amalgamated and the balance from the reserve account be transferred into the current account. S Mathison proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour of the above action being carried out.


17-18/88   Financial Matters: None


17-18/89   Representatives Reports:


Police: Youths on scooters riding down the middle of the road continue to be a problem. This is happening on an evening and motorists are having problems seeing them especially as they come out from behind parked cars.


History group: S Nicholson reported that they are going to be researching the history of the street names in Leven.


Sports Hall: Still having problems with youths climbing onto the roof. Anti-vandal paint is going to be painted on. They are also climbing onto the BT telephone exchange roof.


Youth Club: The Youth club leader was threatened by a gang of youths.


17-18/90   Christmas lights switch on: The Christmas tree lights are to be switched on

Sunday, 3 December 2017 at 5.00pm. S Nicholson to put the lights on the tree ready for the switch on.


17-18/91   General purpose matters:


Fireworks: J Bird remarked on the fireworks that were going off in the village at Halloween,

3 November, 4 November and 5 November. People were very inconsiderate by letting them off until midnight on some of the nights.


Leven Lites: M Hilton asked if a banner could be put up on the grass on the corner of Westlands Way advertising the panto.


Mini-roundabout – New Inn: A resident had asked M Hilton if the mini-roundabout could be removed and it be put back to a junction. Advised that it would not be allowed as it was part of the changes made when the bypass was opened.


Public right of way – Heigholme Lane: J Bird advised that a new bridge is in the process of being constructed to replace the bridge that was damaged and should be in place shortly. As it is on

J Bird’s land he has arranged to meet with the contractor to put the new bridge in place.


Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 5 December 2017 at 7.15pm in the school. If the documentation is received by the clerk from ERYC regarding the precept, then a meeting of the finance committee will take place before the parish council meeting. The clerk will advise councillors of the time.  


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.25pm






