Leven Parish Council


Minutes June 2019

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 4 June 2019 at 7:15pm in the sports hall.


Present: Mrs. Ablett (chair), Mrs. Ellerington-Jennings, S Mathison, S Nicholson, K Macklin, M Hilton,

R Gibson, D Gillyon-Powell (joined the meeting at 8:00pm), D Thorne, Miss Richardson, Cllr. Beaumont


19-20/15   Apologies: M Gillyon-Powell


19-20/16   Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: None


East Riding of Yorkshire Council: Mrs Ablett welcomed Councillor Beaumont to the meeting. An arrangement was made whereby the clerk will forward the minutes and agenda for the parish council meetings to the Conservative group email address. Councillor Beaumont advised that all the Beverley Rural ward councillors are wanting to work together for all the parish councils in the ward and asked if there was anything that the parish council would like him to take on board. Mrs. Ablett advised that the parish council are pressing for the footpath to be upgraded from Whitecross roundabout into Leven village but keep being advised that this will have to be paid for through the Capital programme. Councillor Beaumont asked the clerk to forward any emails to him. The clerk advised that the person that he needs to speak to is Iain Sugden, Area Engineer- Highway maintenance. Councillor Beaumont left the meeting at 7:40pm.


19-20/17   Minutes of the last meeting: Miss Richardson proposed, S Nicholson seconded, an all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


19-20/18   Clerk’s report: None


19-20/19   Review of policies and approval by the parish councillors: All the policy documents had been emailed to the parish councillors before the meeting. S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded, and all were in favour of the parish council adopting them. They will be reviewed again May 2020.


19-20/20   Correspondence:


May 2019

Mrs Low

Bus shelter – South Street

17 May 2019


Planning training sessions

23 May 2019

East Riding Association of Rural Community Buildings

Village Halls network

30 May 2019


Introduction to your new Councillors

31 May 2019


Data protection


Regarding the letter from Mrs Low, Mrs Ablett declared an interest and did not take part in any of the discussions. The clerk is to respond to Mrs Low.


19-20/21   Planning applications:


19/01479/PLF – Mr David Scott - Erection of single storey extension to side and conversion of existing garage to additional living accommodation and construction of bay window at 98A Westlands Way, Leven  - Leven parish council strongly objects to the application and asks that it is taken to committee and not decided through delegated powers. The previous application submitted in 2007 to extend the property was objected to by the parish council and was refused by the planning committee. It was considered an over build due to the size of the extension in relation to the size of the plot and the dormer windows overlooked into 3 The Meadows. Unfortunately, the planning inspectorate allowed the application on appeal.


Regarding the erection of a single storey extension to side this is a room with a large window that has a separate entrance and therefore is not an integral part of the property. Why would you want a large window in a room that is designated a storeroom?


This is an overdevelopment of a site that has already been overdeveloped. It is out of keeping with the other properties in the area. The properties opposite are single storey bungalows that are already overlooked by this property. By building the single storey extension this is bringing the property closer to the properties on the other side of the road and is encroaching on the resident’s privacy. If allowed this property will visually dominate the area.


19/01473/PAD – Coastline Leisure - Display of 6 non-illuminated post mounted directional signs, 2 non-illuminated post mounted entrance signs and erection of 2 non-illuminated flag poles at Heron Lakes, Main Road, Routh - Leven parish council strongly objects to the application on the grounds of:


The signs are not directional. They are a series of advertising hoardings giving details of a tearoom opening soon and luxury lodges for sale or hire. They are out of character and not in keeping with the rural area. They will be a distraction to motorists and will be a traffic hazard. There are far too many signs in a very short space before the entrance. !0 years is far too excessive period to allow the signs to be up for. The tearoom will surely be open by then and who is to say that there will still be lodges for sale or hire.


19-20/22   Planning decisions:


19/00677/PLF – Mr & Mrs Forbes - Alterations and extensions including erection of single storey extension to side following demolition of detached garage to rear, extension of existing dormer to front and rear, erection of a 1.8m high (post height 1.9m) reducing to 1.2m high (post height 1.3m) timber fence to side and application of render to external walls at 1 Balk Close Leven  Approved


18/04103/PLF – Miss Tracy Fletcher – Erection of 2.4m high fence to north and east boundary and a 2.1m high fence adjoining garage and 2.1m high fence and gate adjoining dwelling (retrospective application) (amended plans and description) at 8 The Bryants, Leven   Approved


19/01196/PAD – Vellam and Townsley Partnership – Display of non-illuminated post mounted sign (retrospective application) at Sandholme Park, Sandholme Lane, Leven    Approved


19-20/23   Treasurer’s report:


Mr G Lee


Grass cutting – South Street

Mrs C Silversides


Plants – Westlands Way planters

Mrs W L Haywood


Internal auditor fees

Mrs S L Woolfitt


June salary and expenses

Mr A E Dawson


June salary


S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


19-20/24   Financial matters: None


19-20/25   Approval of the accounts: The accounts had been approved by the internal auditor and had been circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting. As the parish council has income and expenditure under £25,000 for the year ending 31st March 2019 the parish council can submit a Certificate of Exemption to the external auditors. Miss. Richardson proposed, S Mathison seconded, and all were in favour of the accounts being signed as a true record.


19-20/26   Representatives reports:


Youth Club: D Thorne had met with ‘Stitch’ and introduced himself as the new representative of Leven parish council. There are 32 children under the age of 11 who attend the youth club.


Leven and Brandesburton Horticultural Society: D Gillyon-Powell handed out the schedules for the annual show, which is to take place on Saturday, 18 August 2019.


Parish paths: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings advised that the canal footpath has now been cut.


Leven sports hall: K Macklin advised that the toilets are in the process of being replaced.


Routh Community Wind Farm: Mrs Ablett advised that there is now a ‘Community Chest’ and that applicants can apply for up to £500 throughout the year. £5000 has been allocated to the fund.


19-20/27   General purpose matters:


Planters: S Mathison advised that he had been in contact with Peel Nurseries at Long Riston to enquire as to how much it would cost for them to plant up the new planters. 3 people/businesses have offered to sponsor the planters. All were in favour of this suggestion. The clerk is to write to the two ladies who kindly tend to the planters at the top of Barleygate and Westlands Way thanking them for all of their help and advising that in future the parish council would purchase the plants to keep all of the planters the same but would like them to continue with the planting if they are happy with this arrangement.


Hanging baskets: ‘Gorilla gardening’ has taken place and four of the baskets have been planted up and will be in situ next week.


Noticeboards: D Gillyon-Powell commented on the condition of the noticeboard on the barbers’ shop wall. The clerk is to obtain a quote for the cost of replacing it.


19-20/28   Date of next meeting; Tuesday, 2 July 2019 at 7:15pm in the sports hall.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8:50pm

