Leven Parish Council


Minutes September 2017

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: D Gillyon-Powell (Chair), K Macklin, R Southwell, Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, S Mathison, S Nicholson, J Bird, M Hilton, R Gibson


17-18/54   Apologies: Mrs Ablett, M Gillyon-Powell, Cllr. Pollard


17-18/55   Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary:  None


17-18/56   Minutes of the last meeting: S Nicholson proposed, Mrs Ellerington-Jennings seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record. J Bird abstained as he was not at the August meeting.


17-18/57   Clerk’s report:


Fly tipping: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings reported that the fly tipping on the by-pass hasn’t been cleared away and more has been added to it. The clerk will report it again to East Riding of Yorkshire Council.


17-18/58   Correspondence:


15 August 2017                      ERYC                      East Street, Leven build-out and restrictions

16 August 2017                      B&NHIDB              Use of noticeboards – completion of Audit

                                                  ERYC                      Code of Conduct training

20 August 2017                      Sandra Dews       Missing bridge over Barff Drain

22 August 2017                      ERYC                      Spa, Bridlington

29 August 2017                      ERYC                      Missing bridge over Barff Drain


Regarding the correspondence from East Riding of Yorkshire Council re Leven build-out and restrictions, a questionnaire has been sent out to some of the residents of East Street, West Street, North Street and South Street asking for their views to the proposed plans. The results of the questionnaire will be made available to the parish council.


Regarding the missing bridge over Barff Drain, the clerk is to write to Councillor Pollard asking if she will speak to Andrew Chudley, countryside access, East Riding of Yorkshire Council to find out when the bridge will be replaced. There is inadequate signage regarding this and walkers are getting to the drain before they realise that the bridge is missing and that they cannot get across.


17-18/59   Planning applications:


DC/17/02499/PLF – Mr & Mrs Couttie – Alterations and extensions including erection of single storey extension to rear, erection of dormers to front and rear, installation of balcony to roof light at rear at 86 West Street, Leven      No objections


17-18/60   Planning decisions: None


17-18/61   Treasurer’s report:


S L Woolfitt     (Easily.co.uk)                   £32.20                       Web domain name renewal

Garry Lee                                                   £50.00                       Grass cutting – South Street

Autela Payroll                                           £52.80                       Quarterly payroll fees

S L Woolfitt  (Printerland.co.uk)          £317.12                      Purchase of new printer and inks

Mr A E Dawson                                       £163.10                      Salary (handyman)

S L Woolfitt                                             £383.43                      Salary and expenses

PKF Littlejohn                                         £120.00                      Audit fees

Post Office  (HMRC)                              £472.20                      Quarterly tax return

Garden & Tree Services                       £494.70                       Parish paths maintenance


K Macklin proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made. The payment for the web domain name renewal fee and the printer and inks has been covered by the Transparency Code grant that has been received.


17-18/62   Financial matters:   None


17-18/63   Representatives reports:


History Group: S Nicholson reported that they are studying Anthrax in the village.


Scouts: M Hilton reported that Alex Atkins has now taken over from Ian Stones as the scout leader.


Leven and Brandesburton Horticultural Society Show: D Gillyon-Powell reported that this had once again been a great success.


Police: S Mathison reported that there had been a few shed burglaries in the village. Residents must be vigilant.


17-18/64   General purpose matters:


Barleygate and Mill Drive: Comments have been received from residents regarding the state of the road that has recently been resurfaced. The clerk is to write to Ian Sugden, Highways, East Riding of Yorkshire Council asking for it to be inspected.


Drain – Monks Dyke: The clerk is to write to Beverley & North Holderness Internal Drainage Board asking for the dyke to be cleaned out.


Cars exiting East Street: Vehicles are exiting East Street the wrong way through the one-way system.

M Hilton asked who to report this to. Suggested that if anyone sees this happening to ring the police on 101 and give the registration and vehicle details.


Scooters: Children are riding their scooters down the middle of the road and an accident is waiting to happen. The clerk is to contact Leven School, Hornsea School, Police and ask the Chair to put an article in Leven Life.


Leven surgery: D Gillyon-Powell reported that there is to be a coffee and cake day on Wednesday, 6 September 2017 at Leven surgery to raise money to purchase defibrillators in memory of the late Dr Alan Sykes.


17-18/65   Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 3 October 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 7.50pm 













