Leven Parish Council


Minutes June 2017

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 6 June 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), S Mathison, S Nicholson, J Bird, K Macklin, R Southwell,

M Hilton, D Gillyon-Powell, M Gillyon-Powell, R Gibson, Mrs Ellerington-Jennings


17-18/17   Apologies: Cllr Birmingham


17-18/18   Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: none


17-18/19   Minutes of the last meeting: D Gillyon-Powell proposed, K Macklin seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


17-18/20   Clerk’s report:


17-18/21   Correspondence:


May 2017                      AON                                        Insurance renewal invite

                                       Clerk & Councils Direct        Newsletter

May 3 2017                  ERYC                                        Anti-Social Behaviour figures

May 9 2017                  ERYC                                        Graffiti – Bus shelter 

May 11 2017                Nicola Waudby – HFR          Defibrillator

May 24 2017                The Pensions Regulator      Automatic enrolment

May 25 2017                ERYC                                       Bench – Carr Lane

May 26 2017                ERYC                                       Noticeboard – South Street

                                       Humberside Police               Police & Partnership meetings

May 30 2017                ERNLLCA                                Calling all Councils – case studies

June 1 2017                  ERYC                                       Routh Wind Farm Community Fund


17-18/22   Planning applications:


17/01261/PLF - Essential Estates Ltd - erection of 15 dwellings, associated garages and parking at  Land North Of  The Paddocks High Stile Leven East Riding of Yorkshire.

R Southwell declared a non-pecuniary interest in the application and left the room at 7.40pm whilst discussions took place. R Southwell did not take part in the voting and returned to the room at 8.05pm.

Leven parish council has no objections to the application however would like to make the following comments:
Pump station is showing as being at the lowest point. We would ask that the pump station is built to a standard where it will not cut out in inclement weather. We would like to see the pumps raised internally in the pumping station. We do not want to experience the same problems as in 2007 when the pump station cut out at The Orchard causing flooding to approx. 50 homes.
We would want to see a flood alleviation scheme in place before any building work takes place.
No Attenuation scheme showing on the plans.
Soakaways - there should be restrictions to any building work at the properties. The permitted development rights should be removed as there are no soakaways showing on the plans.
Where is the link to the foul sewer?


 17/01702/TELCOM – Arqiva Ltd -  Installation of a 12m high slimline pole with 1 omni antenna (overall height 14.8m), 1 equipment cabinet and ancillary works Telephone Exchange North Street Leven East Riding of Yorkshire

Leven parish council strongly objects to the application on the following grounds:
1. It would have a detrimental visual impact on the street scene and to road user’s due to its intrusive position and lack of screening. Uncharacteristic of the area.
2. To the best of our knowledge Leven Sports Hall and other properties in the area appear not to have been consulted.
3. We would suggest that there are less visible, adequate locations further in the site that would not have the same impact.
4. The parish council would prefer to see it located further within the site with less impact.

 17/01318/PLF – Mr. Jonathan Duncan – erection of single storey extension to side at 15B North Street, Leven   No objections to the application

17-18/23   Planning decisions:

17/00600/PLF – Mr & Mrs D WardErection of a two storey and single storey extension to rear at 17 South Parade, Leven     Application withdrawn.

17/01180/PLF – Mr & Mrs Baxtererection of single storey extension to rear at                            49 East Street, Leven              Approved

17-18/24   Treasurer’s report:

Zurich Insurance                              £898.28                                 Insurance renewal

Mr A E Dawson                                £163.10                                 May salary

Mrs S L Woolfitt                              £383.63                                  May salary and expenses

ERYC                                                £4500.00                                 Highways work contribution

Mr A E Dawson                                £  48.47                                 Materials – bus shelter repairs

ERNLLCA                                           £135.00                                 Training course fees

Mr G Lee                                           £ 75.00                                  Grass cutting – South Street

HMRC (Post Office)                        £472.00                                  Quarterly tax return

S L Woolfitt                                      £383.43                                  June salary and expenses

A E Dawson                                      £163.30                                 June salary

Leven Festival                                  £350.00                                 Donation – sound system rental


M Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of the above payments.




17-18/25   Financial matters:


Leven Playing Fields Bowls Club: Correspondence had been received from the bowls club regarding a fire that had taken place which had destroyed some of the hedging adjacent to the bowls club building and the bowls club building itself. M Hilton declared an interest as he is employee at the Sports Hall so did not take part in the discussions. K Macklin as representative of the Leven playing fields association advised that repairs are to be carried out to the building by LPFA. In the correspondence received it does state that there are only 11 members now and figures provided show that the club would appear to be running at a loss. After some discussion, it was decided that the parish council cannot grant community money to a club with so few members. M Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of advising the bowls club that once the membership had grown then the parish council would look to help them with applying for grants through various bodies.


Leven Festival: A letter had been received requesting a donation towards the hire costs of the PA system which amounts to £929.52. J Bird declared an interest as he is on the festival committee in his own right and therefore did not take part in the discussions.  The accounts had been supplied which showed a healthy balance. However, it is understood that funds must be available to pay stallholders etc if for any reason the festival had to be cancelled. This would not be covered by the insurance. B Ellerington-Jennings proposed,                               M Gillyon-Powell seconded and all were in favour of donating £350.


First Hand Training Solutions – first aid course: Leven parish council had offered to hold a first aid course for 20 Adults and 20 young people under 25 and had put notices up in the noticeboards, on the parish council website and M Gillyon-Powell had put it on ‘What’s going on in Leven’. After an initial good response, the clerk has struggled to get people to commit to attending. The Wray Trust had kindly given a grant of £400 to fund 20 young people under 25 and no one has come forward wanting to attend. The parish council are to offer it to the school and know that they will be happy to accept. M Gillyon-Powell proposed, K Macklin seconded and all were in favour of the parish council paying for the adult course to take place.


17-18/26   Representatives reports:


Police: S Mathison reported that there have been incidents in the village with hare coursing. This has been reported to the police but no arrests have taken place.


History Group: S Nicholson reported that they were looking at more history of Leven.


Parish paths:  K Macklin reported that the second cut of the season has taken place.


Leven scouts: M Hilton reported that there are Beavers, Scouts and Explorers in the village. Brandesburton scouts also use the scout hut. Ian Stones leaves the scouts in July 2017.





17-18/27 General purpose matters:


Leven Lites: M Hilton asked if the Leven Lites could put up a banner on the grass at the junction of Westlands Way.


The Orchard: A comment had been posted on ‘What’s going on in Leven’ which

M Gillyon-Powell had brought to the meeting regarding the public open space at the bottom of The Orchard. If a problem arises then it needs to be reported to the parish council then.


East Street: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings reported that there are several vehicles that are exiting from the top of East Street through the no entry sign. It was explained that ERYC and the police are aware of this but no action has been taken.


Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 4 July 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.15pm.












