Leven Parish Council


Minutes February 2017

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 7 February 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.

Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), S Mathison, S Nicholson, D Gillyon-Powell, M Gillyon-Powell, K Macklin, M Hilton, J Bird, R Southwell, R Gibson

16-17/124  Apologies: E McGee

16-17/125 Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: J Bird asked if he could give his apologies and become a member of the public for the meeting. As he had already sat down at the table and the meeting had commenced the request was refused. J Bird did say that he had already taken advice and was told that it was acceptable. He was informed that he should have sent his apologies prior to the meeting and therefore his request was refused. J Bird declared an interest in planning application 16/03149/CM. Mrs Ablett suggested that item 16-17/129 – Planning applications received to date was moved to the end of the meeting to allow J Bird to take part in all the meeting and to leave the room when his application was discussed. All were in favour.

16-17/126 Minutes of the last meeting: S Mathison proposed, M Gillyon-Powell seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.

16-17/127 Clerk’s report: First Aid course: The clerk had received an email from St Johns Ambulance asking for further information regarding what the parish council would like to be included on the course. The clerk had responded but hadn’t heard back yet.

16-17/128 Correspondence:

10 January ERNLLCA SAAA appointment of auditors

12 January ERYC Traffic regulation order – Leven School

16 January B&NHIDB Use of noticeboards 20 January ERYC Consultation – Statement of community Involvement

21 January ERYC Consultation – Community Infrastructure Levy draft charging schedule

24 January Mrs Allinson Intrusive lighting 28 January St Johns Ambulance First Aid course

1 February Graham Stuart MP Open surgery 24 February 2017 2 February ERNLLCA Website

6 February Humberside Police Crime – Leven 6 February Leven School Home security meeting 6 February ERNLLCA The Plunkett Rural Co-operatives programme

7 February CAD Invitation to Open Meeting 19 February 2017

16-17/130 Planning decisions:

16/03897/PLF – Mr & Mrs Clarke – erection of two storey extension to side at 8 Trinity Close, Leven Approved

16/02035/STOUT – Southwell County Homes and Mr & Mrs Mackinder – Outline – erection of residential development for up to 70 dwellings (access and scale to be considered) (additional drainage and flood risk information) land south of the Redwoods, High Stile, Leven Approved with conditions

16-17/131 Treasurer’s report

Mr A E Dawson £151.00 February salary

Mrs S L Woolfitt £383.52 February salary and expenses

Robinson Contract Services £355.20 Winter gritting

K Macklin proposed, M Gillyon-Powell seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.

16-17/132 Financial matters: none

16-17/133 First aid course and defibrillators: To be put on the agenda for March 2017.

16-17/134 Representatives report:

Police: Numerous burglaries are taking place in the village and residents need to be vigilant. Garages and sheds need to be locked and cars are left secure with nothing on show.

Parish paths partnership: K Macklin asked for it to be put on the agenda for March 2017.

Youth Club: R Southwell advised that some of the youth club would like to take part in the first aid training.

Scouts: M Gillyon-Powell reported that both the Beavers and Cubs had folded due to a lack of helpers. Scouts however were still running.

16-17/135 General Purpose Matters:

Cycle path: J Bird wanted to know who was responsible for the sweeping of the cycle path. He had been advised that it wasn’t his responsibility even though they cut the hedges.

Litter- Beverley Road, Leven: There is a large amount of litter on the verges as you approach the village and the clerk is to ask street cleansing to come out and pick the litter up.

Litter -Pulfins Pond: S Nicholson reported that there is fly tipping at the pond. The clerk will report it to ERYC.

Leven allotments: There are some plots available and have asked if the parish council would put a notice in the parish council noticeboards. It is also the allotments 40th anniversary this year.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 7 March 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.

16-17/129 Planning applications received to date:

16/01011/PLF – Mr Brian Meyer – Retention of a second-floor balcony to rear (re-submission of application 15/01140/PLF) at 16 Theasby Way. Leven Discussions took place regarding the application and J Bird proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of strongly objecting to the application on the following grounds: It would have a detrimental impact on the neighbour. The glass screen is higher than the previous screen and is more dominating. It is out of character with the surrounding properties.

17/0244/PLF – Erection of single storey extension following the demolition of existing conservatory to rear, construction of bow window to front, dormer window to rear, canopies to front and rear, installation of roof lights to rear, replacement windows and rendering to north, south and east elevations and construction of pitched roofs to replace existing flat roofs at 32 West Street, Leven J Bird proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of supporting the .

J Bird left the meeting at 8.05pm

16/03149/CM – F D Bird and Sons – erection of an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plant and associated works at land north of Yarrows Aggregates Limited, Leven Bypass, Leven Various comments were made regarding the proposed development: The domed buildings would be 12m high. The shed would be 15m high. The application for the bridleway to be moved was to allows for mineral extraction yet it appears to have been moved for the proposed AD plant. The application was dated 29 September 2016 yet had only been validated on 27 January 2017. R Gibson joined the meeting at 8.10pm. The application in its self was flawed with various sections having what appears to be incorrect answers. The application shows that 70,000 tonnes of waste per year will go into the plant yet 150,000 tonnes will come out. Of that waste 20,000 tonnes will be chicken manure and 50,000 tonnes of straw. The straw is not a waste product as it will be grown solely for that purpose. The application doesn’t state as to whether it will be open or closed tanks. The agent continually refers to the domestic AD plant that was approved in 2013. This is a new application for an industrial sized AD therefore should be looked at as a new application without reference to the previous. The entrance to the Yarrows gravel extraction site was granted temporary permission until 2025 at which time the gravel extraction will cease, the access road closed and the site re-instated in line with the granted planning permission. The AD application seeks to make use of a temporary access point when clearly this is a long-term venture. 4 open lagoons are showing on the application adjacent to the plant. This could lead to flies and mosquitoes and give rise for concern. Waste is to come from a 30-mile radius. This would include the docks. There is the potential to use other products. The number of wagons taking the waste into the plant is mentioned in the transport plan but the number of wagons taking the product out of the site is not included. Technical information is required. Lack of detail and information in the application. The application must be called in and taken to the full planning committee. The clerk advised that 3 emails in support of the application had been received and 1 was unreadable. The clerk is to contact the people that have emailed in to advise them that comments must be submitted to ERYC if they want them to be taken into consideration. It was decided that Mrs Ablett and the clerk will compile a list of questions and send then into Matthew Sunman, case officer, ERYC before any comments can be submitted on behalf of the parish council.

As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.
