Leven Parish Council


Minutes January 2017

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 3 January 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (Chair), R Gibson, M Hilton, S Nicholson, S Mathison, E McGee,

M Gillyon-Powell, D Gillyon-Powell, R Southwell, Cllr Pollard (part-time)


16-17/110  Apologies: J Bird, K Macklin


16-17/111  Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: none


16-17/112  Minutes of the last meeting: M Gillyon-Powell proposed, D Gillyon-Powell seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


16-17/113  Clerk’s report:


Adding volunteers to the insurance policy for emergency planning: The policy has now had this clause added and J Bird and R Southwell will provide details of the vehicles to be included as requested by Zurich insurance.


Services sign: The landowner has agreed that the sign can be removed from his land. The clerk will contact highways seeking permission to re-site it onto highways land.


First aid course: The clerk will contact St John’s Ambulance to enquire about general first aid courses and if these can be carried out in the village for residents to attend. E McGee advised that the Leven 1st Responders group has folded however there should still be funds raised by the village available which could be used towards the cost of a defibrillator and or first aid training.


Routh Wind Farm fund: The parish council can apply for funding for defibrillators. They cost approximately £1750 each which would include training on how to use them. Discussions took place as to where the best place for them to be situated would be.


First aid course and defibrillators to be placed on the agenda for next month.


Councillor Pollard – ERYC matters:


Councillor Pollard had nothing to report back from ERYC. S Mathison asked what is the policy at ERYC regarding roadside memorials. Councillor Pollard will investigate and report back to the parish council.


Councillor Pollard left the meeting at 7.45pm.


16-17/114  Correspondence:


21 November 2016     ERYC                                          Routh Windfarm Community Fund

December 2016           ERYC                                          Neighbourhood Planning News

                                       ERNLLCA                                    Newsletter

8 December 2016       ERYC                                           Temporary road closure

8 December 2016       Post Office                                Leven post office – decision to move

9 December2016        Mr Traves                                  Parking in Leven on blind corners

12 December 2016     ERYC                                           Temporary road closure

13 December 2016     Humberside Police                  Parking in Leven on blind corners

15 December 2016     Zurich Insurance                      Adding volunteers – emergency plan

15 December 2016     ERNLLCA                                    Referendum principles

19 December 2016     Hornsea Carnival                      Donation – Father Christmas


16-17/115  Consultation – Proposed diversion of Catwick Bridleway No.1 and Leven

 Bridleway No.8: The parish council had previously been consulted in March 2016 regarding the proposed diversion of the bridleways. Some changes have been made to the original proposal and the parish council has been asked for comments to be submitted. The following points were raised:

The parish council still has concerns over the exit near to Brickyard Farm at Catwick and would like to know if highways have been consulted and what their response is.

How will the path be maintained when Bowlams Dyke is dredged ?

Who will be responsible for the grass cutting ?

Need assurances that the landscaping will be completed.

What is the timescale for implementing the bridleway ?

Need confirmation that the new bridleway will be made before the old one is closed.


Leven parish council supports the proposed diversion of Catwick Bridleway No.1 and Leven Bridleway No.8 pending the outcome of the highways response regarding the exit.


16-17/116  Planning applications received to date:  None


16-17/117  Planning decisions:


DC/16/03795/TCA – Tree Worx Ltd – Leven conservation area, Sycamores x 4, canopy raise over highway to give clearance of 6m at Holy Trinity Church, Leven     Approved


16-17/118  Treasurer’s report:


Zurich Municipal                              £132.26                        Volunteer insurance increase

Autela Payroll                                   £  30.00                         Payroll fees

Sally Woolfitt                                    £383.52                        January salary and expenses

Mr A E Dawson                                 £151.00                        January salary


M Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


16-17/119  Financial matters:


Precept 2017/2018: The finance committee consisting of D Gillyon-Powell, R Southwell,

E McGee, M Hilton and R Gibson met prior to the parish council to discuss the setting of the precept for 2017/2018. The clerk had circulated before the meeting information regarding bank balances, expenditure to the end of this financial year and a proposed budget for 2017/2018. The finance committee proposed that a precept of £16,000 be set and this was put to the remaining members of the parish council. S Mathison proposed, M Gillyon-Powell  seconded and all were in favour of this. The clerk will submit the request to ERYC.



16-17/120  Representatives reports:


Police: S Mathison reported that we continue to have burglaries in the village. Residents need to take extra care with locking windows and doors.


Youth club: R Southwell to mention to the youth club the proposed first aid training in case anyone would like to take part in it.


Leven scouts: M Gillyon-Powell will contact Ian Stones to catch up on what is happening in the scouts.


16-17/121  Broadband services in the village: E McGee had contacted Graham Stuart MP

With regards to ‘superfast broadband’ in the village. It transpires that it stops at Catwick and Leven will never be able to receive it. E McGee has also emailed ERYC for answers. E McGee has been advised that the closer you live to a green box the quicker the broadband speed.

The clerk is to write to Graham Stuart MP inviting him to a parish council meeting to explain why we do not get ‘superfast broadband’.


16-17/122  General purpose matters:



Christmas tree lights: S Mathison suggested that there needs to be more lights on the Christmas tree this year. S Nicholson advised that we have some more to go on and they need to be put up higher as the tree has grown.  The clerk is to write to the shops to thank them for their displays. At the light switch on it had been suggested that we could look at putting lights on the holly tree and cherry tree. The clerk will look at purchasing LED battery operated Christmas lights.


16-17/123  Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 7 February 2017 at 7.15pm in the school.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.40pm.










