Leven Parish Council


Minutes August 2017

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 1 August 2017 at 7.15pm in

the Sports Hall


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), S Mathison, S Nicholson, R Gibson, D Gillyon-Powell, K Macklin,  D Gillyon-Powell, Mrs Ellerington-Jennings, M Hilton, R Southwell


17-18/41   Apologies: J Bird


17-18/42   Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary – none


17-18/43   Minutes of the last meeting: S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


17-18/44   Clerk’s report: none


17-18/45   Correspondence


July 2017                       Clerks & Councils Direct                          Newsletter

                                        ERNLLCA                                                    Newsletter

July 12 2017                 Viv Proud                                                    Visibility area

July 20 2017                 ERYC – Conservative Group                    Re 31 Barley Gate

July 25 2017                 ERYC                                                            Village Taskforce Schedule


S Nicholson had accompanied the ERYC officials around the village looking for defects/repairs that needed to be carried out in the village. A list of the work had been sent to the clerk.


17-18/46   Planning applications


17/01965/PLF – Mr Rob Tibbetts – erection of detached garage at The Gate House, 81 West Street, Leven       NO OBJECTIONS



17-18/47   Planning decisions


DC/17/01103/PLF – Mr & Mrs Coates – Conversion of a dwelling into three dwellings at  39 East Street, Leven     APPROVED

DC/17/01318/PLF – Mr Jonathan Duncan – erection of single storey extension to side at  15B North Street, Leven          APPROVED

17/01953/TCA – Mrs Couttie – Blue Cedar tree to be felled for re-development of garden structure, size concerns if left to mature.     APPROVED

DC/16/03916/PLF – Mr Ken Macklin – erection of 2 dwellings at land south west of 7 High Stile, Leven             REFUSED

K Macklin declared a pecuniary interest in the above application and passed no comment.


17-18/48   Defibrillator


The defibrillator has now been fitted to the school wall and is working. The work was kindly completed by James Thompson Electrical, free of charge for labour and the parish council only had to pay for materials which was very much appreciated. Training is to be provided by HFR Solutions who provided the defibrillator free of charge for the village. The clerk is to register the defibrillator on the Ambulance Service listing. The clerk had been contacted by Nicky Wordsworth regarding the defibrillator being dedicated to the late Dr Sykes. The matter was discussed and it was decided as   Dr Sykes’ stepson was raising money through JustGiving to purchase defibrillators for the surrounding villages of Leven and Beeford they would be dedicated to the late Dr Sykes. It was also remarked on that the parish council hadn’t dedicated any other memorials to the other doctors from the practice that had passed away. S Mathison suggested that perhaps one of the new streets on the new housing developments could be named after Dr Sykes.


17-18/49   Treasurer’s report


Garry Lee                            £115.00                                   Maintenance of the Jubilee Garden

J Thompson Electrical      £   72.00                                   Installation of defibrillator at the school

S L Woolfitt                        £ 383.63                                  August salary and expenses

A E Dawson                        £163.30                                   August salary    


M Gillyon-Powell proposed, S Nicholson seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


17-18/50   Financial matters - none


17-18/51   Representatives reports


Police: S Mathison reported that poachers had been driving across the crop fields. They abandoned a car and left 3 lurcher dogs in it.


Leven and Brandesburton Horticultural Society: D Gillyon-Powell reminded the councillors that the annual Summer Show was going to be taking place on Saturday, 19 August 2017.


Leven Youth Club: R Southwell reported that the youth club had had a good year and that the numbers remained constant throughout the year. They are wanting to have a skate park but there would not appear to be anywhere in the village that they could have it. M Gillyon-Powell suggested that they could consider hiring a mobile one from ERYC.


17-18/52   General purpose matters


Fly tipping: Mrs Ellerington-Jennings reported fly tipping in the hedge bottom 300 yards past the roundabout towards Brandesburton. It would appear to be animal bedding that has been dumped.


17-18/53   Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 7.15pm in the School.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.05pm.




