Leven Parish Council


Minutes July 2016

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 5 July 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs Ablett (chair), D Gillyon-Powell, J Bird, R Southwell, S Mathison,

M Gillyon-Powell, I Fernie, E McGee, Cllr Pollard


16-17/29    Apologies: K Macklin, Mrs Hobson, S Nicholson


16-17/30    Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary – none


16-17/31    Minutes of the last meeting:  A discussion was held by the councillors regarding the wording of the minutes. The matter was resolved and J Bird proposed, I Fernie seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.


16-17/32    Clerk’s report:


Leven Festival:  The clerk has written to the Festival committee regarding the siting of the noticeboard. Festival committee are now looking for somewhere else to site it. They will come back to us. 5/7/16 – David Thorne to speak to the parish council regarding the notice board.


Parking issues: Meeting arranged with the chair and Steve Murray, ERYC.

5/7/16 – moving along slowly. Residents to be consulted.


Junction West Street/ South Street: Meeting arranged with Steve Murray ERYC and the chair. 5/7/16 – moving along slowly.


Mill Drive/Barleygate:  Emailed Iain Sugden, Highways to ask for an engineer to come out and look at the potholes and the road surface. The roads are now in a very bad state.


Councillor Pollard – ERYC matters: E McGee asked Cllr Pollard if she could chase up the ‘No Entry’ signs on East Street. Mrs Ablett advised that she has had a conversation with highways regarding the signs that are to be erected.


16-17/33    Mr East – Festival committee noticeboard: Apologies had been received from

Mr East and Mr David Thorne had come to the meeting on behalf of him instead. J Bird proposed, I Fernie seconded and all were in favour of the chair closing the meeting to allow Mr Thorne to speak. The meeting closed at 7.55pm. Mr Thorne explained that a lot of hard work had been put into the festival to get it up and running. The Festival committee want to put up a notice board for the benefit of the village. The key would be held by Mrs Tennison and any of the groups in the village could use it. It is not for any advertising. It was suggested that the notice board be erected on the grass at the corner of Westlands Way and South Street. It would not cause an obstruction or block the view of cars at the junction. R Southwell offered to lay a footpath up to the noticeboard which was gratefully accepted. All agreed that it would be a good idea. The meeting re-opened at 8.20pm.


16-17/34    Parish paths partnership: Complaints had been received from some of the residents in the village regarding the grass cutting of the public rights of way and in particular the canal path. K Macklin had arranged for the tree on the canal footpath that was in a dangerous state to be cut back together with the overgrown hedge. A meeting had been arranged with two of the residents together with Mrs Ablett, K Macklin and the clerk to explain how the grant system works and what grant monies the parish council receives. Once the residents knew what very little monies were received they understood why the grass wasn’t cut perhaps as often as they would have liked it to be cut. S Mathison has kindly offered to cut the footpath at the side of his field. D Gillyon-Powell passed on a compliment from a resident who had also complained about the canal footpath but was happy that the work had been completed quickly and efficiently.


16-17/35   Correspondence:


8 June 2016        Bev & N H I D B                      Use of noticeboards – audit

9 June 2016         Dove House Hospice             New facility in Hornsea

14 June 2016       ERYC                                         Superfast Broadband

15 June 2016       ERYC                                        Local grant fund – termination of funding

22 June 2016       Good councillor’s guide       Model document

22 June 2016       ERYC                                         Leven House, Beverley Road, Leven

22 June 2016       ERYC                                         Supported bus review

25 June 2016       Humberside Police                Parking – South Street

27 June 2016       ERYC                                         Bridleway No. 8

28 June 2016       ERYC                                         Neighbourhood planning

28 June 2016       ERYC                                         Town & Parish Council seminars

July 2016              Clerks & Councils direct        Newsletter


16-17/36    Joint Minerals Local Plan consultation: J Bird declared a pecuniary interest in the consultation as left the room whilst discussions took place. The document had been circulated prior to the meeting to allow the councillors to bring comments to the meeting. Comments submitted were as follows: There should not be any access allowed from          Carr Lane, Leven. The lane is in multiple ownership. It would not be an appropriate access through the village and the parish council would not want to see any heavy vehicle movements. The Internal Drainage Board bridge would not be able to support the weight of the lorries. It would be more appropriate for the vehicles to come out onto the A1035 at Routh. The parish council would also want to see a proper integrated plan for the re-instatement of the land for nature conservation and not landfill.


16-17/37   Planning applications:


16/01318/CM | Variation of Condition 3 (opening hours) of planning permission 15/00219/STPLF to increase opening hours from 0700 to 1800 Mondays to Fridays and 0800 to 1300 Saturdays to enable the site to operate up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Amended plans| Yarrows Aggregates Limited Leven Bypass White Cross To Leven Roundabout Leven East Riding Of Yorkshire HU17 5PS   As the plans had been received too late to be included on the agenda the clerk is to forward them on to the councillors and ask for their comments to be emailed back. They will then be submitted.


16-17/38   Planning decisions:


DC/15/01736 – Ms Tobey Burnett – Certificate of Lawfulness- to establish that works to convert a redundant farm building to a dwelling (as approved under planning reference 00/04976/PLF) were lawfully commenced at Linley Hill Farm, Linley Hill Road, Leven 

Certificate issued.


16-17/39   Treasurer’s report:


Mrs S L Woolfitt                    £280.62                  July salary and expenses

Mr A E Dawson                     £151.00                  July salary

Mr G Lee                                £  85.00                  Grass cutting – South Street

Garden & Tree Services      £694.90                  Parish paths maintenance

Mrs S Dyson (Leven Life)    £599.99                  Donation – new computer

Leven Festival (HPSS)          £432.91                  Donation – sound system hire

Leven Youth Club                 £157.50                  Donation – Strimmer Nature Park

Leven & Brandes Hort Soc £200.00                   Donation – Annual show


I Fernie proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


16-17/40   Financial Matters:


Leven Festival donation request: A request had been received for a donation towards the hire costs of the sound system. M Gillyon-Powell proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour of covering half of the cost - £432.91.


Leven Youth Club donation: A request had been received asking for a donation towards the cost of a new strimmer for the Nature Park. Richard Walker has been using his own strimmer but this had now worn out and parts were no longer available. S Mathison proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour of covering the full cost - £157.50. A letter will be sent advising that the donation was made on the proviso that only qualified people would use the strimmer and safety equipment would be worn at all times.


Leven & Brandesburton Horticultural Society Donation: D Gillyon-Powell and                          M Gillyon-Powell declared an interest and did not take part in the discussions. A request had been received for a donation towards the cost of producing the schedules. S Mathison proposed, J Bird seconded and all were in favour of making a donation of £200.


16-17/41   Representatives reports – none


16-17/42   General purpose matters – none


16-17/43   Confidential item – J Bird declared an interest and left the meeting at 9.05pm.


16-17/44   Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 2 August 2016 at 7.15pm in the Recreation Hall.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.30pm









