Leven Parish Council


Minutes January 2016

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on 5 January 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs. Ablett, S Mathison, S Nicholson, J Bird, K Macklin, I Fernie, E McGee, Mrs. Hobson,                      R Southwell, Cllr Pollard, Mr. P Wharam (ERYC)

Apologies:  M Gillyon-Powell, D Gillyon-Powell

Declaration of interest: None

Public bridleway No.3 Leven:  Patrick Wharam , Countryside Access Team had been invited  to the meeting to discuss the above bridleway. A map showing the public right of ways was distributed to the councillors and bridleway No.3 is now showing as No.8. Mr. Wharam advised that there is no requirement to notify parish councils of the change in numbers. The definitive map is a legal record of all public rights of way but there are several hundred anomalies that are not the same as on the definitive map. Walkers have to cross the bypass to get from bridleway No.3 to No.8. The signs had gone up notifying walkers of the proposed closure of the kissing gate to find out if anyone wanted it to remain open. People had contact ERYC to ask for the gate to be retained. The gate is on the boundary of the public right of way and the adjacent highway. The proposed removal of the kissing gate has arisen due to discussions being held with a potential applicant and the ERYC to divert bridleway No.1. No formal application has been submitted although discussions have taken place between J Bird and the definitive map team. S Nicholson commented that it would have been common courtesy to send a letter to the parish council advising that the notice would be displayed. I Fernie felt that there had been a breakdown in communications between ERYC and the parish council. J Bird asked to speak but was advised not to comment as he had an interest in the matter. Mrs. Ablett commented that the fencing adjacent to the bridleway had been cut by ERYC and placed in the field by an officer of ERYC. This had caused the fence to fall. Mr. Wharam advised that there had been no intention of ERYC to do anything in an underhand way. S Nicholson asked Mr. Wharam to inform the parish council of any plans or work to be carried out. Mr. Wharam commented that in hindsight it could have been dealt with better. Mrs. Ablett asked that ERYC work in partnership with the parish council as we look after the public rights of way on behalf of ERYC.  Mr. Wharam left the meeting at 7.40pm.


Minutes of the last meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2015 were approved. K Macklin proposed, Mrs. Hobson seconded and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record.

Matters arising:


Highway matters: Mrs. Ablett had met with Iain Sugden, highways engineer ERYC to discuss the state of the footpath. Mr. Sugden advised that it is rated high to have work carried out to it but funds are not available. He advised the parish council to encourage residents to write in to raise the profile. Mr. Sugden agreed with Mrs. Ablett that he couldn't understand as to why the work wasn't carried out when the cycle path was made. Cllr Pollard will speak to Mr. Sugden to put in a complaint from the ward councillors. With regards to parking issues in the village none are enforceable. Barleygate is going to have work carried out to the road after the start of the new financial year.


Cllr Pollard ERYC: Cllr Pollard did not have any matters to report. E McGee asked if there was an update from the Police Scrutiny meeting. Cllr Pollard advised that the minutes hadn't been published yet. Cllr Pollard suggested that we invite Inspector Coulthard to a parish council meeting. A request for 'Horse, slow down' signs was made and Cllr Pollard will ask highways.     E McGee asked Cllr Pollard if any progress had been made with obtaining large florescent signs advising of no entry at East Street. Cllr Pollard was unsure that she had been asked to look into this. The clerk will liaise with Cllr Pollard. Cllr Pollard left the meeting at 8.00pm.




November 2015                       Clerk and Councils Direct         Newsletter

27 November 2015                 Chairman of the Council           Chairman’s awards 2016

4 December 2015                    ERYC                                             Leven allotments

5 December 2015                    Humberside Police                    Community policing

7 December 2015                    ERYC                                            Pedestrian crossing

11 December 2015                  ERYC                                            Precept 2016/2017

14 December 2015                  ERYC                                            Precept 2016/2017

15 December 2015                  ERYC                                            Bench – East Street

17 December 2015                  ERNLLCA                                     Referendum principles

21 December 2015                  ERNLLCA                                     Smaller authorities audit

22 December 2015                  ERYC                                            Routh Wind Farm Fund

30 December 2015                  East Riding Group Ltd              Gritting services


5 January 2016                         ERYC                                            Winter grant monies


The clerk is to contact East Riding Group Ltd asking for a breakdown of their charges for gritting the roads if snow is forecast.


Leven allotments: Mrs. Ablett gave an update on the situation with regards to Leven allotments signing the new lease. There seems to be some confusion with regards to emails not being answered between ERYC and Leven allotments. Marc Clayton, ERYC to write to Leven allotments giving them 7 days’ notice to respond otherwise the allotments will revert back to the parish council. Mrs. Ablett suggested that the parish council have a 'sink fund' to pay for repairs, hedge cutting etc.


Planning applications:


Planning decisions:


15/03508/PLF – Ms. H Clare - erection of single storey side extension and new bay window to front at 22 South Parade, Leven   approved

15/03221/CLE - Mr. R Southwell - certificate of lawfulness for the continued occupation of the dwelling without complying with condition 2 on planning permission 303-98D (agricultural occupancy) at The Redwoods, High Stile, Leven  certificate issued   R Southwell declared an interest in the application

15/00952/PLF - Mr. & Mrs. Whiteley - erection of detached dwelling with detached garage (amended plans) at land west of 4 Farriers Walk, Leven  refused

15/03378/TPO - Mr. Tony Altass - Fell Poplar located adjacent to the boundary wall of Mount Pleasant due to damage and blockage of drains at Wynsley Haven, Beverley road, Leven   grant consent

15/03387/PLF - Mr. & Mrs. C Drinkall - construction of a dropped kerb to create new entrance, erection of 1500mm high brick pillars and 1200mm wall to front, 1800mm high close boarded fence, 1500 high close boarded timber gates at Heron House, Beverley Road, Leven    approved


Treasurer's report:


Mr. G Lee                                     £50.00                   Grass cutting South Street

Leven Scout Group                   £400.00                   Donation - electrical work

S L Woolfitt                               £277.89                    January salary and expenses

A E Dawson                               £142.53                   January salary


S Nicholson proposed, S Mathison seconded and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


Financial matters: A letter had been received from Leven Scout Group with the invoice for the work to be carried out to the Scout hut. The donation had been approved at a previous meeting.


Christmas lights switch on 2015 and 2016: Very enjoyable time had been had by all. Positive feedback was received from people that had attended. Approx. 130 adults and children had watched the light switch on and listened to the school choir. The clerk had written to the school thanking the children and will write to the Scouts for helping to organise it.  Discussions were held regarding the date for the light switch on for December 2016 and it was agreed on Sunday, 4 December 2016 at 5.00pm. The clerk will write to Hornsea Lions and the school and contact a gentleman who has a roasted chestnut stall.


Representatives' reports:


Youth club: The youth club had received information regarding applying to the Wind Farm for a grant.


Beverley & North Holderness IDB: The dykes are being cleaned out.


Leven School: The school is now running a breakfast club for the children.


General purpose matters:


Cycle track turnpike: The clerk is to write to ERYC asking if Leven in Bloom can have permission to place two planters on either side of the road.


Leven in Bloom: to be place on the agenda for the February meeting.


Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 2 February 2016 at 7.15pm in the school.


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 9.05pm.











