Leven Parish Council


Minutes February 2018

Minutes of Leven parish council meeting held on Tuesday, 6 February 2018 at 7.15pm in the school.


Present: Mrs. Ablett (chair), S Mathison, S Nicholson, J Bird, R Southwell, M Gillyon-Powell,

D Gillyon-Powell, Mrs. Ellerington-Jennings, M Hilton, R Gibson


17-18/119   Apologies: K Macklin


17-18/120   Declaration of interest both pecuniary and non-pecuniary: R Southwell declared a pecuniary interest in 17/02686/STREM and would leave the room whilst discussions and voting took place.


17-18/121   Minutes of the last meeting: S Mathison proposed, Mrs. Ellerington-Jennings seconded, and all were in favour of them being signed as a true record. Both D Gillyon-Powell and M Gillyon-Powell abstained as neither of them were present at the previous meeting.


17-18/122   Clerk’s report:


Replacement bridge – Heigholme Lane: Councillor Pollard had contacted Robert Kirby, ERYC to ascertain when the new bridge would be put in place. Until the weather improves, and the land dries out the bridge cannot be installed. They believe that the earliest that it could be replaced would be March 2018.


17-18/123   Correspondence:


11 January 2018                         ERYC                                      Routh Wind Farm Community Fund

15 January 2018                        B&NHIDB                              Use of notice boards

15 January 2018                        Conservative Group            Replacement bridge – Leven

22 January 2018                        ERYC                                      Highway works – East Street

24 January 2018                        Leven in Bloom                    Folding of Leven in Bloom

26 January 2018                        ERYC                                      Housing strategy seminar

26 January 2018                        ERNLLCA                               Training – Councillors financial responsibilities

26 January 2018                        HWRCC                                  Information about community led housing

1 February 2018                        Autela Group                       Payroll information and changes


The letter from Leven in Bloom advises that the group has now had to fold due to lack of support from residents in the village. Leven in Bloom has 4 large planters and several lamppost planters and are asking if the parish council would be willing to take ownership of these. The clerk is to contact Zurich Insurance to enquire about adding them to the parish council’s insurance policy. To be placed on the agenda for March 2018 to discuss after confirmation from the insurance company.


17-18/124   Planning applications:


17/04273/PLF – Mr. & Mrs. Miller – erection of single storey extension to front at 72 Barleygate, Leven, East Riding of Yorkshire   No objections to the application.




17/02687/STREM – Southwell County Homes -  Erection of 68 dwellings following Outline planning permission 16/02035/STOUT (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered) (AMENDED DESCRIPTION AND PLANS) at Land South of The Redwoods, High Stile, Leven, East Riding of Yorkshire HU17 5NL   - Object to the application on the grounds of:

 The proposed development does not satisfy the Council's affordable housing policy requirements. No details have been provided as to how many properties will be designated affordable housing and the size of the properties.

 From reading the open space consultation group comments the application does not comply with outdoor spaces requirements.

We would question as to why all the roads leading off the 'main road' into the development are all private. Will this not create problems for the residents who will have to maintain them, and will the refuse wagons be able to have access to empty the refuse bins?


18/00181/CLP – Vellam and Townsley Partnership – Certificate of lawfulness for proposed use of land for siting of residential caravans at Sandholme Park, Sandholme Lane, Leven.   Leven parish council is not satisfied with the information presented to them to be able to make any comments regarding the application for a Certificate of Lawfulness and therefore object to the application. We would need to have sight of the original application together with associated documents to be able to give it our full consideration. We believe that the original application was permitted for holiday accommodation only and by allowing residential accommodation this would be setting a precedent. The site is outside of the village building line.    


17-18/125   Planning decisions: None


17-18/126   Treasurer’s Report:


Mr. A E Dawson                      £163.10                                       February salary

Mrs. S L Woolfitt                    £405.02                                       February salary and expenses


S Nicholson proposed, M Gillyon-Powell seconded, and all were in favour of the above payments being made.


A cheque for £200 has been received from Michelle Binns, First Hand Training who carried out the first aid training courses in the village last year. A first aid course was held at the school for year 6 pupils which the children enjoyed and the school really appreciated the Wray Trust paying for it.  The clerk suggested that the £200 could be put towards another first aid course for this year’s year 6 pupils at Leven School. All were in agreeance with the idea and the clerk is to apply for funding from both Routh Wind Farm Community Fund and the Wray Trust to cover the remaining cost of the course. The course this year will cost £400.


17-18/127   Financial Matters:


CAD donation: As members of CAD  M Gillyon-Powell, D Gillyon-Powell, R Gibson and Mrs Ellerington-Jennings left the room whilst discussions left place. J Bird also left the room as CAD are  objecting to an appeal lodged with the Planning Inspectorate by F D Bird & Sons against the decision to turn down the AD plant planning application by ERYC. A letter had been received into the parish council from CAD asking for any financial assistance towards the cost of fighting the appeal. CAD anticipate that it could cost more than £30,000 to employ a barrister and to obtain expertise advice. Legal advice had been sort from ERNLLCA regarding using parish council funds and was advised that it came under Section 137 and funds could be given as a grant. After some discussion it was decided that £1000 would be made available to pay towards legal fees or seeking expertise advice. S Mathison proposed,  S Nicholson seconded, and all were in favour. The parish council would be invoiced by the company for audit trail purposes. The funds have already been agreed in the precept. This was after a mandate to fight any and all applications for an AD plant at Yarrows Aggregates was given by residents in the village after the first application was submitted. M Gillyon-Powell, R Gibson, D Gillyon-Powell, Mrs. Ellerington-Jennings and J Bird returned to the meeting.


17-18/128   Representatives reports:


Police: Burglaries are being committed in the village. Residents to be aware and to keep garages, sheds and houses locked.


Leven and Brandesburton Horticultural Society: Open Gardens in Leven: Sunday, 24 June 2018

Annual Show: Saturday, 18 August 2018


17-18/129   General Purpose Matters:


Traffic issues: Visibility is poor when exiting Mill Drive onto High Stile and The Orchard. A resident has put cones on the road to deter vehicles parking too close to the junction at the top of The Orchard. The clerk is to contact highways to seek advice regarding the parking problems.


17-18/130   Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 6 March 2018 at 7.15pm in the school.


17-18/131   Confidential item: None


As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.50pm


